Xbox Game Pass subscribers hits 15 million after major lockdown boost

Xbox has gained 5 million new Game Pass subscribers since April, as Microsoft’s subscription service goes from strength to strength.

Microsoft’s attempts to push Xbox Game Pass seem to be working, as the company reveals that the number of subscribers has increased by 50% in the past five months.

Back in April the total was 10 million and now it’s 15 million, helped no doubt by the lockdown, a number of high-profile game additions, and the fact that you can get a month trial for just £1.

It’s difficult to compare that figure to how many Xbox One owners there are because Microsoft refuses to release official numbers, but the console’s total is believed to stand at somewhere less than 50 million.

Especially after the delay of Halo Infinite, Game Pass has become a major focus for Microsoft, far more so than any individual game and almost the new consoles.

Game Pass is certainly at the heart of why they paid $7.5 billion for Bethesda, as they can now add all of the publisher’s existing and future games to the service as first party titles.

The one question that remains about Xbox Game Pass is whether Microsoft is making any money out of it. The assumption is that they’re probably not, but that’s impossible to tell unless they say something themselves.

From their perspective though it’s almost irrelevant for now, as it’s clearly having the desired effect of bringing more people to Xbox and filling in for the fact that they have no major exclusive titles at the moment.


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