How Is the Word "Yoga" Embedded in Your DNA? Yogah Cittavrttinirodhah


This famous Patanjali’s sutra tells us a bit more about what yoga is. It is certain, that there’s a big difference being in yoga or doing yoga. In the West people mostly do yoga. Meaning, at an average yoga class mainly yoga postures are being performed. How come that so many yoga teachers out there are unable to teach people how to be in yoga, as this is where all the powers of yoga reside?

Patanjali only refers to yoga asana/posture in 3 sutras of his entire elaborate work.. How come a majority of yoga done in West is stuck on doing asanas? The more advanced postures the better, especially for taking photos.

A sanskrit synonym for asana is also the word NISADANA, which means to stay, to come to a halt. You see in olden days yoga postures were done only statically, yogis would assume a posture and stay there for a loooong time. Is it possible that the power which resides in the word asana/nisadana is the same power that keeps most people ‘stuck’ on doing yoga postures?

To me this is a clear example how words, language can literally affect our DNA. Sanskrit language is a perfect language, meaning there is no ambiguity to it. The opposite, take the English language, which is incomplete. Words have many underlying meanings in it, also the words that sound the same, yet are spelled differently have the same meaning. We can not escape the power of words, it controls us on the deepest level.

Russian Scientists have proven that DNA can be reprogrammed by words and frequencies. This is something which is very well known to the big brand businesses around the globe (Nike, VW, Pepsi).

Human DNA is our biological internet and far more superior to the artificial one. Yogic powers, such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more have been scientifically researched and explained. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies without cutting out and replacing single genes.

The DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and in communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code follows the same rules as all our human languages. They compared the rules of syntax, semantics and basic rules of grammar in particular. Human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.

I invite you to discover the truth about what yoga practice really means. Don’t get stuck on words!



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