Yoga Exercise for Pregnant Women

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Congratulations on your pregnancy. You are eagerly waiting for your unborn child to come out into the world in a few months time. How about considering doing some yoga? Medical research has shown that working pregnant women, tend to find the birth pangs bearable and can give birth without much pain and hassle.

It is a proven method. Yoga is an ancient exercise form which originated in India and is now popular worldwide. Several men and women have experienced immense benefits from doing it. That is because it is easy to do, you do not need too many accessories, and you can practice it anywhere.

In this article, we will read some yoga exercise for pregnant women.

Vakrasana (Twisted pose)

The yoga pose is simple. You need to sit down in a straight pose and then stretch your feet in the front. Then raise both your arms with palms facing down and inhale deeply. Now, exhaling, you will want to twist your body and then move your hands and head simultaneously. Avoid bending the knees and wrap your arms as much as you can.

Utkatasana (Chair pose)

The chair pose is considered difficult but is extremely beneficial to keep fit during pregnancy. For this yoga pose, you will want to stand straight with your feet little apart from each other. Then you will want to inhale for few seconds and then lift your arms. Then slowly exhale and sit in a squatting position using your toes if possible or use your feet flat.

Konasana (Angle pose)

The angle post is helpful to improve the waist and reduce the fat. You should stand in a straight position and keep your feet wide apart from each other. Then lift one hand up and stretch upwards. Then inhale and bend sidewards on the other side. Exhale and repeat the same using the other hand.

You can take the help of somebody when doing these yoga poses.

Pointers to consider for pregnant women

When you are reaching your eighth or ninth month of pregnancy, some yoga exercises for pregnant women are not the type of activities to be during this time. These are crucial times for both mother and the baby inside. You will want to consult with your doctor and take his/her advice before adventuring into yoga asana.

You never know what might happen. Here you are trying to do something good and certainly don’t want anything untoward happening. However, it is advisable that you join yoga classes with other pregnant women. There are classes held in several cities, and you can surely find one in your location.

When doing yoga exercises, you will want to make sure that you never over stretch your abdomen area. Similarly, when you are twisting your body, you should avoid using your stomach area and instead use your upper back and your shoulders.

Never be too bothered when you are unable to perform some asana, unlike other pregnant women. When there is pain or discomfort, you will want to take rest or stop exercising immediately. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Yoga exercises must be performed such that you enjoy doing them and they help you during your childbirth.


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