When the Traditional Job Market Diminishes, Opportunities Galore in Digital Space

ava360 tech 2018 93


Sajan completed his B. Tech in computer science. His father was a barber who had toiled to ensure that their son would find a gainful employment one day. It was 2008, the parents were astonishingly watching the lifestyle of IT professionals and hoped one day their son also will shine professionally. An independent house, a car was their dream although Sajan’s father in his barber profession earned comfortably.

It was in 2014 Sajan completed his B. Tech and found a job as a coder in an IT company. He was drawing an annual package of 4 lacs per annum in a small and medium company. Two years have passed and the new worry of Sajan was how to convince his parents over the layoffs happening in the IT sector. Sad to say, roles like testing and coding are being automated and it is a matter of time that Sajan will be given pink slip from his coding job. Rumours floated that new projects are not coming and those who completed the existing projects can leave.

Thanks to digitization and automation traditional job sectors are being shaken. Yes, technology has its way to make yesteryears skills obsolescent and jobs too. A study by World Bank stated that manufacturing led growth will take away manufacturing bases in countries like India and China to their home countries.

Why Traditional Jobs are Vanishing?

It is a worry for manufacturers that executives learn about manufacturing process and use that knowledge to fetch better salaries with the competitors who are eager to absorb them for capturing the market pie. Businesses want to stop this by employing machines or robots to prevent knowledge or market secrets going to the competitors. Although this is an advantage to the employers, employees the humans are at disadvantage and it is at this stage they should learn new technologies and align with the changes.

Why it is Important for Businesses to go Digital

It is not a hyperbole to say even saloons have Facebook accounts to present their infrastructure or description on types of services offered by the haircut centre. Now the question may come, if one saloon will not do that what will happen. The answer is, that business will lose out in competition as people prefer to do business with those who have digital marketing. Customers go through the reviews or information and contact information provided in the social media channels where they can interact with the service provider directly.

As e-commerce is the hot trend where manufacturers or farmers can sell their product eliminating third parties both consumers and the producers want connectivity through net. To make this happen one should have a website, content, administrator to manage the website ably assisted by relevant content that go in line with the market trends. Guess who are the ones going to be benefited in this process. It is the freelancers.

In today’s job market freelancers who have domain expertise and skills are going to make bucks as small businesses find it difficult to appoint full time staff for their website management due to high cost. Secondly, full time staffers are not needed as the time taken to do these tasks will be less. So, the best option is to avail the services of freelancers who will do the same job for five or six businesses like this. It is also a scenario where both parties benefit.

Generic Education is Passé

The thrust here is it is not the generic education that is going to fetch income. To be specific it is the skills and knowledge of a professional that is going to provide income in this digital age. In a country like India where crores of people buy and sell through digital media, it makes sense for job aspirants to learn this vital trade to make them market relevant.

Digital Marketing is the Way Ahead

When traditional job markets are diminishing, job aspirants should create their future through digital marketing. For an IT professional, it is not going to be a hard thing to promote affiliate marketing and earn when a product or service sell. The bottom line here is you may be an IT or non-IT professional, but you should learn digital marketing for pleasure and profit.



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