Waterless Washing Machines – The Washing Technology of the Future

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Water scarcity is one of the sprouting problems among the Brit community. It is obvious that water is the elixir of life. Everybody is quiet conscious about its importance. Washing machines being inevitable gadgets are becoming the major household which consumes copious amount of water for washing purposes. Various measures have been taken by the topnotch companies to minimise the water consumption of these machines. Cutting edge technologies are introduced every day in the market. A waterless washing machine is one of the dream technologies that every company is jumping onto nowadays.

A waterless washing machine is one of the cutting edge technologies developed by the researchers at Leeds University . These machines use as low as 2% of water when compared to the conventional washing machines. The energy consumption by this widget is very meager as well. So, what is the mechanism behind this waterless washing machine? To know the answer for this question, we should be aware of some basic physics phenomenon. It’s just a mutual attraction between the positive and negative ions.

How it works?

These machines consist of nylon beads. These beads being positively charged, stick to the stains easily. The complex beads’ structure well accommodates the stains to stick to the beads. Technically speaking, the beads act as catalysts for your washing powder/detergent. These increase the specificity of the detergent to act on the hardbound stains.

The working principle of the waterless washing machine is quiet simple as well. You have to load your laundry first. Then you have to allow the nylon or other beads to interact with your clothes. There will be a cartridge uniquely made for loading these beads. Just you have to add a glass of water along with the detergent like the normal way you use to do it in the conventional washing machines. You’re almost done. You can open the drain after the washing process is over. The beads will be filtered off completely.

What’s the advantage?

Waterless washing machines have lot of advantages when compared to the conventional ones.

o  It consumes just 2% of water when compared to the standard washing machines.

o  It is highly suitable for dry cleaning and conventional washing.

o  Energy consumption is very low which is one of the unique feature of this machine.

o  You need not spend time for the drying cycle as the whole process is carried out with minimal quantity of water. This ensures fantastic energy saving features.

o  Stain removal is found to be very efficient.

o  Eco friendly wash is ensured as well.

o  No harm for your clothes.

o  You can recycle the beads up to 100 times approximately.

o  Ironing can be done with ease.

The virtual waterless machine is said to be one of the best innovations in the field of cleaning technology. Already Eco-balls have been introduced in the market. These Eco-balls have made a considerable impact on the cleaning technology. The introduction of this technology will surely have a tremendous impact on the people around the world. As water scarcity is treated as a prime issue in every nation, waterless washing machine will be a revolution in future for sure.

When can you expect this gizmo?

The product will hit the market in the last quarter of 2009. The technology is patented recently for one of the topnotch washing machine manufacturers in the UK . As per a survey conducted in the UK , the average water consumption by the UK household is 21 liters daily, exclusively for washing purpose. The invention of waterless washing machine has not only left the environmentalists at cloud nine but also has made the Brits very happy about the news.



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