Wastewater Management Techniques

by Emily Smith
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You might have had the term wastewater management in many fields today. Environmental enthusiasts and other socially responsible institutions have been stressing on this concept for quite some time now. As the name suggests, this is a process where wastewater that is emanated from residential and commercial establishments and all sources into a good quality of water. In a nutshell, this is a process in which water is reused so as to protect the environment from the ill-effects of hazardous water. When you choose an expert in this field, you will be introduced to the latest technologies in this process so that you can bid goodbye waste water in the most environment-friendly way possible. Here are some new techniques that are used in this process by most of the water treatment plants in the industry today.

1. Introducing electrical current to water

If you are looking for a cost-effective, less-messy yet innovative technique of cleaning waste water, this is the right choice for you. The process of exposing water to electric current is known as Electrocoagulation. When current passes through waste water, the contaminants in it (n all kinds of forms – dissolved and non-dissolved) will be removed separately, to leave sparkling clear water behind.

2. Reverse Osmosis

This is one of the most effective treatments especially when water is filled with bacteria from industrial waste. This is the process where all kinds of molecules and chemicals are removed from the water, thanks to a semi-permeable membrane that is placed on top of it. This way, large particles are effectively removed in this process. In other words, this process is also known as membrane filtration process.

3. Natural treatments

If you are looking at a completely natural way of reusing waste water, you can contact your service provider for some effective and chemical-free processes like phytol depuration and lagooning. Phytodepuration is the process where wastewater is naturally purified. Waste water is poured into basins that are replete with aquatic plants. These plants produce enough resources to clean water naturally. Lagooning is the process where wastewater is collected in basins known as lagoons and cleaned naturally with the help of various processes.

4. Exchange of Ions

This is a new process where wastewater is cleaned when ions are exchanged between electrolytes or between one electrolyte and a complex. When the contaminated water feels this ion exchange, it gets purified quickly, as the chemicals are removed separately.

5. Distillation

This is probably one of the oldest techniques used in wastewater treatment. In this process, water is introduced to a combination of liquids boiled at various points, so that it brings about the necessary change and separates the contaminants from water so that the resultant quality of water is top-notch and can be reused for various purposes. This process is applicable for wastewater of all kinds of sources – agricultural processes, industrial and commercial buildings. Though it is a chemical process, it involves more of the manual process and is considered to be quite natural; therefore, it is regarded as an eco-friendly process as well.



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