job interview

Typical mistakes during the job interview

by Lily White
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A job interview is always a stressful experience whether you are a seasoned applicant or a fresh starter. The understanding that you and your set of skills and knowledge are being evaluated makes the whole experience nerve-wracking. Obviously, you can’t be ready for every question and neither can you perform absolutely flawlessly, as every interview is a different experience. However, what you can do, is learn to avoid the blunders, those that seem to be unnoticeable, yet have a significant influence.


Coming too early or too late will never do good for you. Just come on time, ten-fifteen minutes prior to the meeting, this will be just enough to get prepared and have any paper-signing work settled. If you see that there is still plenty of time before the interview, have a walk, to unwind, and regain mental tranquility. If you are running late, use any means possible to notify the company. However, such situations can be avoided if you take into account the traffic and the time of the day.


Your resume is your advertisement, it’s a brief yet informative presentation of your skills and knowledge. One of the common mistakes is failing to organize the information in a comprehensive manner. Moreover, some candidates claim that the resume isn’t the main proof of their qualifications, and they will show their worth when talking to the potential employer.

When preparing a short list of your achievements, use the online services that will help you highlight your strong sides and skills. There are numerous templates to choose from, depending on the style you prefer. For instance, when you check the templates of CV by VistaCreate, you will find hundreds of available options, each one benefiting your self-presentation, emphasizing your strong sides and skills.


Level of interest

The level of your interest in the company and the position matters a lot, and, as always, balance matters. Don’t be overly enthusiastic, as it conveys the wrong message. Typically, such candidates will not proceed to the next round of interviews. Being smarmy is also a bad choice, as such fakeness can be easily detected. There is another extreme – lack of interest, which clearly shows that you don’t care whether you will be selected or not.

No prior research

That’s a must-do point on the list. Dedicate some time to learning the company’s profile, the philosophy behind the brand (if there is some), and strategies for CV by VistaCreate development. Without the knowledge of the company, you will not be able to maintain a professional talk and fail to answer company-specific questions.


No sloppiness, that’s mandatory.  It is highly recommended to follow a smart style, regardless of the company dress code. You can also ask the HR representatives whether there are any specific rules and requirements. As a rule, there are a few guidelines:

–              Don’t wear perfumes or cologne as there are chances that your interview partner is allergic to some fragrances, or may not be pleasant for those who are present in the meeting.

–              Avoid being too casual or having many open body parts, as it may send a wrong message. It’s a good idea to keep a formal outfit for various occasions.

–              Don’t overdo it with jewelry and makeup, as it may not benefit your image, especially if you want to be accepted by a conservative style company.


The usage of a smartphone during the interview is highly disrespectful, instead, use the flight mode, or just turn off the sound and vibration. You can have the whole interview go smoothly, yet this blender may ruin the image you have created.

smartphone usages


Being too talkative is yet another extreme. You need to learn to answer specifically the questions you are asked. Otherwise, you risk losing the point while getting into a long narration. Be precise, and share the requested details, yet avoid being long-winded.

Body language

When preparing for the interview we typically pay attention to verbal communication, leaving non-verbal behind. However, gestures, facial expressions, posture, and tone of voice speak louder than you, showing your real attitude toward the situation. Among the most common mistakes are the following:

–              Faking a smile,

–              Playing with hair,

–              Arm and leg crossing,

–              Fidgeting,

–              Overdoing with gestures,

–              Failing to make eye contact,

–              Bad posture,

–              Touching face.

The job interviewers are well aware of the body language and can read you as an open book. While preparing at home, have a talk with yourself in the mirror and see what your gestures are. You can also ask a friend to have a mock interview with and pay attention to your body language.

Besides, it will be a good idea to get to know the characteristics of body language, as it will be helpful for the interview and benefit your communication with people.

The recap of the common mistakes and how to avoid them

It is important to prepare for the interview, even if you have a rich experience in such type of communication. Mind all the tips, and be conscious of what you are saying and how you are saying that. The majority of blunders may come from your desire to appear very likable as a person and suitable as a potential co-worker. Analyze your experiences and don’t repeat the mistakes. You need to be respectful, confident, and positive, that is the straight way to win the recruiter’s heart.


By Eugene Craig

Bio: Eugene Craig is a freelance content writer and blogger passionate about a wide variety of topics. He has a particular interest in Traveling, Artificial Intelligence, Music, and Sports. Born in Buffalo, NY, Eugene is committed to exploring the beautiful corners of our planet. So, he rarely stays in one place for long, preferring changing his scenery and routine. Inborn inquisitiveness, thirst for exploration, and an eye for beauty made Eugene a great writer, talented journalist, and aspiring philosopher eager to share his thoughts with the world.


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