TOP-5 Math Online Resources for Children Education

by Lily White
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2020 has become a time of global changes in all areas of education. Online fever has swept across all branches of learning and teaching. Of course, online courses, lessons, and labs have already been implemented in many educational systems in different countries, but this was rather an additional option for those who, for some reason, cannot or do not want to undergo learning/teaching face-to-face. However, now it has taken on a completely different direction. Everyone was forced to move to the virtual world, moreover, it became a means of survival.

Many adults went through a difficult period of the pandemic very hard. Cases of depression, apathy, and burnout have become more frequent. Okay, we see it on TV, radio, and the Internet every day. But what happened to children? How did they overcome the COVID crisis in terms of home learning? Education for children is the same as work for adults. Therefore, it is not surprising that small individuals also had problems (while some of them achieved success, contrary) with the global transition to online mode.

The success or failure of a particular learning system depended on how well the platform/application was optimized for children’s perception. Also of great importance was the format in which the material was presented (video, text, slides, etc.). Probably, you guessed that one of the most difficult subjects for online study for many kids in mathematics. And again, a double-edged sword, for many lovers of mathematics such a transformation was salvation.

This is because each child needs an individual approach to explaining a particular problem. Some children calculate and draw in the mind, while another need to visualize numbers and shapes using paper and pen.

This article provides a list of some of the best online math programs that have taken these factors into account and are popular among kids, parents, and teachers.


TOP-5 online math curriculum
  1. eSingapore Math
  2. Prodigy
  3. Visual Math Karate
  4. Khan Academy
  5. Bridges in Mathematics (The Math Learning Center)
  6. eSingapore Math

The eSingapore Math curriculum is gaining momentum. Singapore math is used to be known as a very specific system for children with advanced math skills. The peculiarity of the program is that it is far from the standards we are accustomed to, and helps students to develop original and unique thought, not only in mathematics but also in related areas (logic, critical thinking, modeling, structuring).

After the pandemic set new standards E Singapore Math viral curriculum became a world-known solution for many families. It also found response in children because of its’ advanced gamification feature.

The online system is well developed, designed for self-study with minimal requirements of help from adults. Thanks to an intuitive interface and serial video lessons every child who has ever held a gadget in their hands is able to deal with the curriculum.



It is rather a game than a full-fledged educational program. The bright design of the online system and many cartoon characters help the child to hone math skills in a playful way. The schedule is made up by day, and a certain amount of time is allocated for each lesson. The child completes each task as a challenge and then receives the winner’s award (badges, champion title, etc.).

All of this facilitates complex educational processes and increases student engagement. The interface is intended to be shared between a child and a parent or teacher. Both student and parent accounts can be created so that parents can track the progress of their children.


Visual Math Karate

Visual Math Karate application is also a gamified system for online mathematics study, however, unlike other projects, including Prodigy, the structure of the application helps children to develop visual memory, to learn to count in the head, and not to adapt to the calculator. Also, the application is aimed at developing such skills as understanding the sequence of numbers and operating with them.

The main disadvantage of this game is a very limited number of levels. Barely involved, children need to look for something else to continue the education process.


Khan Academy

The curriculum from khan academy has the following advantages: children learn to solve math problems not bypassing levels, as in the game, but simply in a way disguised as a cartoon design. This can be considered subconscious learning because the child does not realize that the main thing is not the cartoon on the screen, but the solution and understanding of mathematical exercises.

The application offers materials not only in mathematics but also in other disciplines (biology, art stories, etc.). Other features include teacher tools, printouts, planners, calendars, and timetable templates. There is also integration into YouTube, where children can get access to additional educational materials from Khan Academy Kids.


Bridges in Mathematics (The Math Learning Center)

This curriculum is a series of standard math skills lessons. It includes 5 main elements that provide students a comprehensive training, identical to in-person education:

  1. Teachers Guides – designed for best student-teacher interactions, presented both in digital and printout formats.
  2. Bridges Educator Site – in fact, it’s your account with 24/7 access. Contains downloadable PDF materials, so students can easily view or download them anytime.
  3. Student Books – books required for lessons. Presented in English and Spanish, in digital and printout formats as well.
  4. Classroom Materials – tools for games, practices, and other “live” activities (bolls, manipulatives, cards and etc.).
  5. Number Corner – supplementary packages with 20-minutes daily workouts. Designed for continuous study process and skill practices.


Which one is better for my child?

It is so difficult to choose a curriculum for your child when everything is online. And it is even more difficult to decide on self-study. Nevertheless, a timely and thorough study of all the features of each of the programs will help make the right choice.

First of all, parents and teachers must decide what they want to get when using different online math study programs. If the goal is full-fledged education, equivalent to that in the school, then you should focus on licensed, time-tested educational programs. They will not only replace your children’s school but also prepare them for university and for life in general.

If the goal is active recreation, educational entertainment, or useful leisure, then you can choose online educational math games and/or apps. They will not be able to replace the school curriculum, but they will help to repeat past material, hone learned formulas and skills, and help children gain confidence in their mathematical abilities.

When choosing a curriculum, always focus on the child’s reaction. Remember that even if you have already started online learning, you can change the program at every moment if your child finds it difficult to adapt or he/she is better at assimilating a completely different approach, which is not in the one you have chosen.


By Kateryna T

Bio: I am a Marketing specialist with 8 years of experience within the field. I help find solutions to a company’s needs by developing solutions to bolster a company’s growth. I am result-oriented and committed to understanding the scope and features of clients with the aim to deliver a quality product and a high level of service.

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