strategic planning

Todd Leopold Shares Key Considerations for Implementing Effective Strategic Planning

by Lily White
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Strategic planning is an essential process for business success. It involves analyzing the current situation, setting goals and objectives, developing strategies to reach those goals, and taking steps to ensure the implementation of those strategies. However, experts like Todd Leopold in Rocklin, CA, say many factors must be considered when undertaking a strategic plan. Here we will discuss these key considerations and how they can help you develop a successful strategy.

Analyzing the Current Situation

The first step in any effective strategic planning process is to analyze the current situation. This includes assessing your organization’s strengths and weaknesses, understanding who your competitors are and what strategies they use, evaluating the trends in your industry, examining customer needs and preferences, researching technological advancements that may impact your operations, and identifying opportunities for growth or improvement. Gathering this information allows you to gain insight into where you currently stand so you can create a plan to move forward.

Setting Goals & Objectives

Todd Leopold says once you clearly understand the current situation, you can begin setting goals and objectives. These should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely (SMART). Your goal should be achievable within a reasonable amount of time—for example, increasing sales by 10% over the next 12 months or launching a new product by June 2021—and your objectives should outline how you plan on achieving that goal. It’s essential to ensure that all goals and objectives align to work together toward achieving your ultimate goal.

Developing Strategies

The next step is to develop strategies for reaching your goals and objectives. This involves brainstorming creative solutions for overcoming obstacles and analyzing different options to determine the most effective for achieving desired results. There are various methods for developing strategies, such as SWOT analysis (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats),  PEST analysis (Political-Economic-Social-Technological), Porter’s Five Forces model (Competitive Rivalry-Threat of Substitutes-Bargaining Power of Suppliers/Customers-Threat of New Entrants/Exit Barriers) or Value Chain Analysis (Primary Activities/Support Activities). Utilizing these tools can help identify potential pathways forward and provide insight into areas requiring more attention or resources.

Implementing Strategies & Ensuring Success

Once you have identified the best strategies for reaching your goals and objectives, it’s time to implement them in order to achieve success. This requires careful planning with clear timelines and assigning tasks accordingly among team members with the necessary skill set to complete each task successfully and on time. Regular monitoring should also be done throughout this process to ensure smooth progress towards completion and address any issues that arise during implementation quickly before they become serious problems down the line.

When To Seek Help

Todd Leopold says strategic planning can be a complex endeavor, and it’s essential to seek help when necessary to ensure the best results. Consulting firms, management experts, or even business coaches can provide invaluable assistance throughout this process as they are experienced professionals who possess the knowledge and insights needed for successful strategic planning.

Additionally, these professionals can identify issues that may otherwise go unnoticed, thus allowing for more effective and efficient strategic planning.  Ultimately, it’s important to remember that the success of any strategic planning process depends on proper research, analysis, goal setting, strategy development, and implementation. Taking the time to consider all these factors can help you create a successful plan that will allow your business to reach its fullest potential.

Why The Right Strategic Plan Is Important

A strategic plan helps ensure that your business is headed in the right direction and that every decision is rooted in solid evidence-based practices. It also provides clarity on where your company is currently, as well as what steps are needed to reach your goals. Additionally, it can help foster trust between employees, clients, and other stakeholders as it creates a shared vision that everyone can work towards together.

In conclusion, strategic planning is an essential process for any business to undertake to ensure success over the long term. You can create a successful plan allowing your business to reach its fullest potential through careful research, analysis, goal setting, strategy development, and implementation.

Todd Leopold says by taking the time to consider all of these factors and leveraging external help when needed, you can ensure that your business will be well-positioned for success.


Strategic planning is an essential part of running any successful business, but it requires careful consideration beforehand if it’s going to yield positive results in the end. Analyzing the current situation is critical since it provides insight into where you stand today, giving direction on how best to move forward toward tomorrow’s success story. Setting SMART goals & objectives helps clarify what needs to be done. In contrast, developing strategies helps identify potential pathways ahead to ensure their successful implementation when all its said & done! When undertaking strategic planning, it pays off handsomely when these key considerations are taken into account!


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