When you’re asked to be a bridesmaid at someone’s wedding, you’re likely honored that your friend chose you to be part of their big day. However, with that honor also comes a lot of responsibility to help make her day the best possible. These tips will help you make the day an amazing one for everyone.
Weddings are known for being expensive for everyone, and if you’re part of the bridal party, you could end up spending several hundred dollars. From your outfit to a gift to parties to travel, it’s wise to start budgeting as soon as you know you’ll be at the wedding. Try to develop an estimate of how much you anticipate spending and divide that by the number of months until you’ll need the funds. That’s how much you need to set aside each month, so you don’t go into debt. Consider saving money on monthly expenses in other places. For example, if you have debt from school, you can refinance that into a new loan. You’ll often get a lower interest rate, and it can simplify the management of your monthly payments. Then you will not be as likely to accidentally miss a payment for one month.
Traditionally, the maid or matron of honor plan parties, such as the bridal shower and bachelorette. However, don’t be afraid to ask if she needs help planning the events. Even if no help is necessary, your offer will be appreciated, and you might find yourself helping later on anyway. Preparing for the wedding itself can be an overwhelming amount of work, and the bride may especially be feeling the pressure. Try helping with everything you can, like picking up people from the airport or putting decorations and invitations together. When the big day arrives, try to help everyone stick to the schedule.
Traditionally, the maid or matron of honor and the best man both give speeches. However, some couples also have the other groomsmen and bridesmaids give speeches. Find out ahead of time if you will be giving a speech to prepare something and practice it ahead of time. That way, you won’t draw a blank when the time comes to say a few words. If you are nervous about speaking in front of everyone, you may find a few notes help you stay on track and remember everything you wanted to say.
Begin by introducing yourself and how you know the couple, and then welcome everyone to the celebration. If you want to tell a joke, this is the place to insert it since it can help you relax. Then you can tell a story about the bride, but make sure it’s not an embarrassing one they wouldn’t want you to mention. You can then add a bit of advice to the couple and give them a toast. Remember, your speech doesn’t have to belong, and many guests actually appreciate listening to shorter ones.