The Robotic Pool Cleaner – Scum Removal Goes High-Tech

by Tech News
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The robotic pool cleaner is a bit like a remote control toy, except that there’s no remote control. A robotic pool cleaner, once you put it in you pool and turn it on, will go about its job of vacuuming up all the debris, dirt, and algae it encounters on the bottom, walls, and steps of your pool until it either runs into an obstacle it can’t navigate around, or you tell it to stop.

In the tradition of the deep sea submersible which uncovered the Titanic, a robotic pool cleaner can stay on the bottom of your pool for as long as it takes to clear away anything that will detract from the pleasure of your swim. There is simply no human being in the world with the lung capacity of a robotic pool cleaner; even the Acapulco cliff divers would only be able to get a tiny patch of your pool’s floor clean before having to come up for air. Not that you could pay them, or anyone else on the planet, to clean your pool’s floor.

The robotic pool cleaner is the forerunner of what robotic technology may bring to us as the 21st century progresses. Robots have been replacing human beings in automotive assembly plants for decades, and the robotic pool cleaner may be on its way to putting human pool cleaning services out of business. But for now, robotic pool cleaners are set-it-and-forget-it devices which save a pool owner precious time and keep the fantasy of carefree pool maintenance alive.

Features Of Robotic Pool Cleaners

Some robotic pool cleaners have internal memories, and after their initial cleaning of your pool will be able to recall its contours and even remember how long it took to clean so that the next time they are put to work they will set their timers accordingly. Other robotic pool cleaner manufacturers have models with timers preset at the factory to run for up to five hours at a time.

Those wanting to indulge in the cream of the robotic pool cleaner crop need look no further than the $1500 Hammacher Schlemmer, an environmentally friendly solar powered wonder which is totally automatic. The wall-climbing Hammacher Schlemmer robotic pool cleaner even has scum-detecting sensors and does not stop until it senses that every inch of your pool is scum-free.

Hammacher Schlemmer claims that its robotic pool cleaner can clean a fifty foot area of your pool every hour. If you really want the luxury of owning the most advanced robotic pool cleaner on the market, the Hammacher Schlemmer deserves your full attention.



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