The Legacy of a Teacher

by Lily White
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Teachers are the architects of any developing nation. It makes me feel on top whenever I am reminded of the quote, “Teaching is the profession which creates all other professions.” But, I failed miserably to understand the fact that very few of us are into this profession by choice and most of us are into this profession by chance. Over the past three years, I hardly met one or two students who took pride in acknowledging the existence of this profession.

When a child is born, the parents start seeing their child wearing a Doctor’s apron or Engineer’s gear. Even my parents saw the same dream so as other teachers’ parents. Even when we counsel our students, we also show them the dream of being a doctor or an engineer. We as parents or teachers do not want our children or students to be the future teachers. My conscious is always bombarded with several questions. Why aren’t we encouraging them to become a teacher? And then, without consulting any book or expert, I get the answers and have to keep myself quiet. How can we encourage our children for this prestigious profession when we know that the world belongs to millionaires? Be it public sector or private sector, we all know the poor financial conditions of teachers, the salary they are paid, and the exploitation they face everyday. Public Sector teachers are not paid on time, and Private Sector teachers are not paid enough.

Other important issue which I came across was that we come into this profession unwillingly when we were not able to cross the standards of modern day criteria. And we were left to ponder that we do not have any other options left except to try our skills in teaching. We join enthusiastically, but our motivation level drops with each passing day due to one or other reason. So our talents are shackled by authorities’ exploitation and we keep ourselves confined to the works which are only allotted to us and we don’t bother to take any extra pain.

I was surfing through the internet when I found a summary of an interesting seminar which was held in France or any other country(don’t remember the exact name). That seminar was to discuss the problems which were faced by teachers globally. As the discussion was going on and teachers came up with common issues which were being faced. (Less salary, no respect, exploitation by management, job security, payment delay etc.). An old teacher was quietly listening to the arguments, when his chance of putting his views came, he expressed very calmly. He argued, “What do we want? Haven’t we got the most priceless resources of the nation? They are far better than any of the wealth in this world. Shape them into our wealth and the wealth of the nation and surely we will be the richest people on the earth. Tell me who will be better- millionaire or we?”

I didn’t read the full content of the summary of the that seminar and was motivated and pumped to put all our heart in teaching and shaping the priceless resources into assets of the nation.

Finally, I came to the conclusion that today if we are not sincere and hardworking in our teaching methods, then I am sorry to say, “We are robbing their future, and we are equally being part of any other robbery happening in this world. Remember, we may not be convict in the eyes of worldly jurisdiction, but we will be convicted in the jurisdiction of almighty Creator.’

So, let’s start on positive note and be honest to our tasks, if some of us has already started then carry on the positive momentum and there is no looking back.



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