Tech News CHEAP: Blast tunes like a rock god with 54% off a Marshall Acton Bluetooth speaker

Tech News CHEAP: Blast tunes like a rock god with 54% off a Marshall Acton Bluetooth speaker

by Tech News
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Tech News
Welcome to CHEAP, our series about things that are good, but most of all, cheap. CHEAP!
One of the most iconic images in music is the Marshall stack. Most of us would be lying if we said we never imagined ourselves on a huge stage, a wall of Marshall amps behind us, as we play a twenty minute guitar solo to an adoring crowd. You know, something a bit like this:

Ahh Yngwie Malmsteen, you truly are living the dream.Unfortunately, most of us aren’t guitar gods shredding on stage. We’re normal people with jobs. But, sometimes, we can get a little taste of that rock and roll lifestyle. How? With a Marshall Acton Bluetooth speaker!
And, oh, look at this, that very same Marshall Acton Bluetooth speaker is currently on offer. And what an offer! You can grab the thing for $114.99, a 54 percent saving. Yes, normally the Marshall Acton Bluetooth speaker costs $249.99, but today you can get a full $135 off the list price. Isn’t that great?
So, Marshall. The company is probably the most famous guitar amp creator in the world, meaning it’s well-versed in coaxing exciting sound out of hardware. The Marshall Acton benefits from this experience. Reviews of the Bluetooth speaker were positive about its sound, but mentioned the price as negative point. Well, that’s not something you have to worry about with this deal.
Connection-wise, you’re in good hands. As you’ll have probably guessed by now, the Marshall Acton has Bluetooth support. It also has a 3.5mm jack input, so if you prefer your music wired, you’re catered for.
If you’re on the hunt for a stylish, rock-inspired speaker for your house, or you want to have a bit of kit to practice your air guitar moves in front of, the Marshall Acton could be the device for you. At only $114.99, it’s at a great price. Grab one while it’s still on offer.

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Published June 16, 2019 — 12: 00 UTC

ProductActon Bluetooth speaker by Marshall

Deals on TNW

June 16, 2019 — 12: 00 UTC

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