Talking Business: Conference Centres or Hotels?

by Lily White
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Large conferences are a chance for your business to shine, for your delegates to demonstrate their knowledge and to gain some more. If you’re the company or establishment that’s been tasked with organising the conference, the venue you choose is a direct reflection on you. Few businesses have the facilities to hold a large scale conference in their own headquarters, so there are two choices: conference centres or hotels with conferencing facilities. Which one should you choose?

Hotels are undeniably a respectable choice for conferences, with the strong advantage of offering accommodation to delegates on site. However, there are problems too. In hotels there is always the risk that a conference could be being held right alongside weddings and other celebrations. This can mean interruptions for the conference and could mean that accommodation is limited for delegates.

Conference centres are purpose built and staff are especially trained to deal with the needs of conference delegates, even if more than one conference is happening at the same time. Conference centres may not offer accommodation but they are always built close to a range of hotels. This means that delegates may choose hotels which are convenient and appropriate for them and their budget.

For many hotels, conference provision is something of an afterthought, meaning that it isn’t necessarily done well. Delegates very often travel a long way to conferences, so location is everything. Because conference centres are built for their purpose, they are conveniently situated near road and rail links, and very often close to airports too.


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