
First Nations to submit environmental assessment plan for final road linking Ring of Fire to Ont. highways

First Nations to submit environmental assessment plan for final road linking Ring of Fire to Ont. highways

As interest heats up in the mineral-rich Ring of Fire in remote northern Ontario, two First Nations say they’re ready to submit the final terms of reference for an environmental assessment (EA) on the last of three roads that would connect the area to provincial highway networks.Marten Falls First Nation Chief Bruce Achneepineskum said creating year-round…

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First Nations leaders in northern Ontario call for disbandment of Thunder Bay police

First Nations leaders in northern Ontario call for disbandment of Thunder Bay police

First Nations leaders in northern Ontario are calling for the Thunder Bay Police Service (TBPS) to be disbanded and subject to provincial oversight, with a Nishnawbe Aski Nation deputy grand chief saying she’s lost faith that police will serve the community. Calls to reinvestigate sudden deaths of Indigenous people in Thunder Bay, Ont.A team reviewing sudden deaths…

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Six Nations league says Ontario Lacrosse Association sees it as a ‘threat,’ sues for $2M

Six Nations league says Ontario Lacrosse Association sees it as a ‘threat,’ sues for $2M

A Six Nations-based lacrosse league is suing the Ontario Lacrosse Association (OLA) for more than $2 million, alleging the provincial governing body is targeting its players with “oppressive” regulations and wants its “destruction.”The Tewaaraton Lacrosse League has launched a lawsuit against the Ontario Lacrosse Association that includes asking the court for an injunction to set aside two subsections of…

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First Nations families proud to show off humour and culture on Family Feud Canada

First Nations families proud to show off humour and culture on Family Feud Canada

From the hearty laughs of aunties to talking about lacrosse, two First Nations families say they are proud to show off their humour while highlighting important issues on the newest season of Family Feud Canada.The Lynxleg family from Tootinaowaziibeeng agreed to wear ribbon skirts and shirts with political messaging on their upcoming Family Feud Canada episode. From left, Joshua,…

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First Nations invite public to witness search for unmarked graves at Sask. residential school site

First Nations invite public to witness search for unmarked graves at Sask. residential school site

The grounds of a residential school in Saskatchewan are to be searched with ground penetrating radar starting this weekend.Neil Sasakamoose, the executive director of Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs Inc., first announced the plans to search the Delmas and Batteford residential school grounds for unmarked graves last month. (CBC)Warning: This story containts details some readers may…

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