Animated DC’s “Metal Men” Film Planned
DC Comics Ron Clements and John Musker, two key Disney animation legends behind the likes of “The Little Mermaid” and “Aladdin,” are…
DC Comics Ron Clements and John Musker, two key Disney animation legends behind the likes of “The Little Mermaid” and “Aladdin,” are…
Soon, content creators across Twitch will be able to give their emotes a bit more life. In celebrating its tenth anniversary, Twitch is launching a few changes to emotes, including the option to make them animated.According to a post on the Twitch blog, animated emotes will first be available to Twitch Partners “in a few…
Beloved games company Nintendo has been famous for decades for not letting screen adaptations of its properties happen following the disastrous live-action…
Enoch Animated is a YouTube channel with 24 animated stories from three Enoch elders.A screenshot from an episode of Enoch Animated called Berry Picking. The video series was created to allow elders of Enoch Cree Nation to tell stories from their lives. (Enoch Animated/YouTube)The stories of Enoch Cree Nation elders have come to life on…
Christine and Mark Holder, producers of the gritty court drama “The Mauritanian,” have come onboard an animated feature based on the marshmallow…
A potential sequel series to iconic 1990s animation game-changer “Batman: The Animated Series” may be in development at HBO Max. The original…