Subrata Chakravarty Offers Pain Management Solutions for Fibromyalgia Patients

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Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition that creates musculoskeletal pain, tiredness, and localized tenderness. Unknown as to what the root cause of FM is, medical professionals agree that genetics might play a specific role in who is affected. Symptoms can develop following a period of psychological stress, physical trauma, an injury or illness. Depression, a lack of concentration and headaches are some of the other indications that FM can be present within an individual. If so, treating pain, fatigue and other symptoms is crucial, as the condition, neglected, can be severe enough to interfere with daily activities. Subrata Chakravarty, an anesthesiologist in Edmonton, Alberta, has revealed a few treatment remedies that can both ease and manage the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

Pain Relievers

Subrata Chakravarty claims that medication can noticeably reduce FM pain and your doctor may be inclined to recommend over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen sodium. With these medications utilized, fibromyalgia symptoms can be fought aggressively, reducing inflammation, minimizing muscular aches and boosting sleep quality.


Although antidepressants can alleviate pain and fatigue, Subrata Chakravarty recommends that you consult your doctor about any possible side effects that can spring up from these medication options. Certain people have, in the past, experienced numerous displeasing side effects from antidepressants, including nausea, and weight gain.


Anticonvulsants are classified as seizure medications, helping to lessen the onset of pain from fibromyalgia. Pregabalin (Lyrica) became the first anti-seizure drug treatment for FM, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Gabapentin is another useful medication that can aid nerve pain, but these choices can induce dizziness, swelling, weight gain, and dry mouth.


Research proves that people who engaged in these classes went on to experience positive mood changes and fewer bouts with aches and fatigue. Subrata Chakravarty explains that gentle poses, meditation, breathing exercises, and group discussions all showed an ability to enhance a patient’s physical and emotional state. Practice also builds muscle strength, integrates meditation to your livelihood and coaches you on various relaxation techniques. Inform your instructor on your condition, to allow them a chance to adapt the poses and accommodate you.


Acupuncture, the pricking of the skin with needles, promotes natural self-healing, inspires an alteration in blood flow, modifies the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain and treats a wide scope of health conditions such as chronic pain. Those who received acupuncture improved from pain relief for two years or more, as evidenced by a study from the Journal of Rehabilitative Medicine. Acupressure is an alternative, should you be unwilling to cope with the needles. Minor risks of acupuncture are soreness, minor bleeding, and bruising post-treatment. Ensure that your specialist is licensed because unsterilized needles are the tell-tale signs of an amateur and an infection waiting to happen.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy looks to reform your overall range of motion, re-building your muscle core while also limiting discomfort from FM. By following a program designed by your therapist, special for you, symptoms can be cared for. Your therapist can help you grasp self-care techniques, which will allow you to manage fatigue and pain by yourself. Pain management education, according to research, can result in raising one’s performance during exercise routines.

Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana has been proven to assist symptoms of fibromyalgia, with one study concluding that people experienced a reduction in stiffness and pain, augmented relaxation, an increase in sleepiness, general feelings of well-being and improved mental health. Despite the short-term, feasible side effects of unfocused judgment and lapses in concentration, more research is required for this medicine, especially to uncover the aftereffects that can hang around for lengthier durations.

Tai Chi

A mind-body methodology, tai chi involves deep breathing, meditation, and controlled, stable movements. Muscle strength, balance, and stamina are all heightened, though you must be careful not to perform these exercises too consistently, or you risk developing sore muscles and sprains.

Massage Therapy

Somewhat like physical therapy, massages can also improve your range of motion, in addition to instilling relaxation, and decreasing stress and anxiety. Just establish a safe word with your therapist, as excessive pressure can form temporary bruising, swelling and pain.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

CBT encourages people to agree upon achievable goals, providing the basis for them to reduce or minimize fibromyalgia pain. Patients will strive to identify flawed thought patterns and produce techniques to adequately manage negative reflection.

A Final Note

Clinical trials are vital for the development of new treatments and drugs for certain conditions. Subrata Chakravarty advises patients to participate in these trials, affording researchers the means to find valuable information about fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Interested in taking part and have ample time to do it? Online, you can find out what clinical trials are occurring in your area.

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