The ultimate productive leap of faith is rising above yourself. With that dramatic sweep of a statement, I begin this article. Boredom is simply a state of being, so is excitement. We make it all ourselves through actions rational and irrational, good and bad, depending on the context of our personal reality. When I think of what it takes to rise above normal nature, it is not all that much: It is simply like a walk through an interesting and strange door with something unusual waiting for us on the other side. Now, I did not say that unusual thing was good, bad, better or worse. I just said that it is what we make it, thus it is not good, bad, better or worse. It is just different. Different enough to make us grow, different enough to change our perspective up instead of down. What I mean by up is up from where we are now to a higher perspective. Sure, “the world is flat and that is that view” would sometimes seem nice to those who think that they have it made where they are, but growth is always a good thing, and stagnation is always bad.
My Mom and Dad sold me on growth and self-education at a very early age. In some ways, they sold growth and education better than school could ever sell it to me. They always encouraged me to grow and genuinely become more brilliant in a self-made way instead of in the eyes of others. That is important, not to live up to the expectations of others, but to live genuinely in your own best way. Life does not make consciousness after all, we decide on it through our God and existence given free will that we are made in the image of God with. Get it? We must live our paths in the way we need and want to (in that order), and be rationally spiritual in order to grow in the right ways that we must in line with productive existence and the genuine grace of God or real good intent must come in line with a well-lived reality. Sure, I could put it more succinct, but I am leaving meanings open to you to decide your own opinions about reality and follow your own path as I follow my own path. Indeed, rising above normal nature requires not being better, not being worse, but just genuinely being conscious and realistic.