Pencil Drawing – How Drawing Can Have Therapeutic Qualities.

by AVA
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Many people have considered writing as a form of therapy but this creative based Counseling need not be limited to writing, therapy for artists can come in the form of pencil drawing, as it has wonderful therapeutic qualities which can help free up the mind and help to relax the body.

If you are feeling particularly stressed or under pressure in your life, then finding ten minutes of spare time to get your emotions out onto paper is a really beneficial practice.

Take a large sheet of paper and lay the paper flat on a large table and then close your eyes for a moment. If you are particularly stressed, the moment you close your eyes you may get a jumble of thoughts cascading through your mind. Try to focus on some of the thoughts or feelings, so that you can identify exactly what you are seeing.

Allow you mind to conjure up images that are connected to your emotions. This works equally well if you have been experiencing nightmares related to your emotional state for example. Drawing your greatest concerns or problems, is a wonderful way of getting the anxieties or pressure out of your mind and out onto paper where it becomes a much less scary prospect.

When using pencil drawing for therapeutic purposes, use freehand to draw right across the paper. Use large strokes and make use of shading and tone to make your drawing come to life. Be imaginative, be relaxed. Do not worry about technique or the end result. Just enjoy the feeling of drawing as a release.

Once you have finished, stand back and view the picture. You may not be satisfied with the drawing but do not view the drawing in a negative way. Your goal was to release your inner demons and not worry about technique. Do consider how you feel however; is it a relief to have transferred your thoughts across to paper?

Art as therapy works extremely well for:

* Anxieties

* Nightmares

* Grief

* Teenage traumas such as broken hearts

* Young children who become introverted.

* Stress Relief

* Relaxation purposes

* It also works well for those who want to know more about themselves or each other in group settings.

Anytime you feel any inhibitions or feel the need to release any inner fears, repeat the process and marvel at how art can make you feel so much better.



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