About Dean Schneider: I am a 27-year old Swiss guy, who dedicated his entire life to the animal world! Nowadays, I live…
View Images Manuel Canales, NGM Staff; Patricia Healy. Art: Davide Bonadonna. Sources: Caleb Marshall Brown and Donald Henderson, Royal Tyrell Museum of…
SpaceX is poised to ignite a new era of human spaceflight this week when its Crew Dragon capsule carries two NASA astronauts…
Bumblebees aren’t merely bumbling around our gardens. They’re actively assessing the plants, determining which flowers have the most nectar and pollen, and…
When photographer Eric Guth drops into Godzilla Cave, he slips into a world of ice built by fire. Its creation began exactly…
- Nature
The Tumultuous History Of The US Postal Service — And Its Constant Fight For Survival
by Sue JonesIn 1914, John and Sarah Pierstorff didn’t want to pay for a pricy train ticket to send their daughter across Idaho. Instead…
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On this episode, Mark and the crew are back in Queensland, Australia for another epic Tide Pool adventure! As Mark explores, he…
Batfish, any of about 60 species of fishes of the family Ogcocephalidae (order Lophiiformes), found in warm and temperate seas. Batfishes have…