There’s nothing like living with a golden retriever. You will always have a fluffy buddy right by your side each and every…
Steve Fuller had one passport stamp to go. The 71-year-old judge from Kansas City, Missouri, had just spent three days on the…
In the shadowy depths of the Pacific Ocean off Hawaii, a shark battled what may have been a giant squid—and lived to…
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Friday, March 13, was an unlucky day for Fiona Lowenstein. Over the weekend, the 26-year-old spiked a fever, then she started coughing,…
California’s giant sequoias can live for more than 3,000 years, their trunks stretching two car lengths in diameter, their branches reaching nearly…
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- Nature
Inflamed Brains, Toe Rashes, Strokes: Why COVID-19’s Weirdest Symptoms Are Only Emerging Now
by Sue JonesYou don’t have permission to access “” on this server. Reference #18.1d3a96b8.1603542503.278e134 Read More
To watch our PUPPY PLAYLIST, please click here:… Haleakala (the mom) and her puppies: Leilani, Molokai, Kalani, Koa, Luana, and Kaiko…