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From a certain angle, the gently curving horns of a scimitar-horned oryx can look like a single spike. Scholars believe this antelope,…
In the 1993 film Jurassic Park, a nefarious character meets his demise during an encounter with a Dilophosaurus. No taller than a…
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- Nature
Horseshoe Crab Blood Is Key To Making A COVID-19 Vaccine — But The Ecosystem May Suffer
by Sue JonesEach spring, guided by the full moon, hundreds of thousands of horseshoe crabs clamber onto beaches across the U.S. mid-Atlantic to lay…
- Nature
Profiles of Britain’s “wild swimmers,” who are drawn to open water, no matter how cold.
by Sue JonesAs stay-at-home orders have eased and temperatures risen, one question keeps bobbing up: Where can we swim? Pools may still be closed,…
It’s a strange thing to believe that where you’re from doesn’t really have a “great outdoors.” The Midwest’s prairies, limestone bluffs, and…
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Potato farmers in Idaho and Montana are destroying millions of potatoes. Restaurant closures because of the COVID-19 pandemic caused a glut, and…