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For many extreme travelers, the end-all-be-all destination is a remote, dangerous place like Antarctica or Mount Everest. But there’s a whole community…
When wolf hunting season opened in Alaska on August 1, it became legal in many national preserves for hunters to kill nursing…
The Maldives archipelago in the Indian Ocean includes 1,192 islands. In 1992, the government added one more—an artificial construct that serves as…
Winter break had arrived in Stockholm in late February, and Soo Aleman watched as her fellow Swedes departed the capital city for…
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Empty plinths colorfully spray-painted with social justice slogans now punctuate the South’s grandest boulevard. In the aftermath of the May 25 killing…
- Nature
Moderna’s clinical trial just entered phase three. Here’s how mRNA vaccines work.
by Sue JonesA promising coronavirus vaccine candidate hit another milestone this week, when Moderna Therapeutics began phase three of clinical trials. The move signals…