A trail of volcanic islands off the coast of southern Alaska may actually be part of a single giant caldera, according to…
You don’t have permission to access “http://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2020/12/invasive-water-fleas-decimating-plankton-in-great-lakes/” on this server. Reference #18.1d3a96b8.1607286860.cb6499e6 Read More
3D-printed microboat This boat-shaped particle measures just 30 micrometres in length, but is fully equipped with a cabin, chimney and flag…
Trapped gas causes buried sediments to flow like water, rising and erupting dangerously at the seafloor.
{“message”: “Adapter not found”} Read More
Leaf-cutter ants are named for their Herculean feats: they chomp foliage and carry unwieldy pieces, like green flags many times their size,…
Pigeon trouble is common these days, and people are seeking how to eliminate this problem. Pigeons cause fatal health problems. Plus,…
- Nature
‘Dueling Dinosaurs’ fossil, hidden from science for 14 years, could finally reveal its secrets
by Sue JonesFor more than a decade, paleontologists have speculated about a single fossil that preserves skeletons of two of the world’s most famous…
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One of the world’s most venerable radio telescopes is on the brink of catastrophe, triggering a frantic race by engineers at the…