The Contentious History of the Passport (2017)
In black and white photos and crackly films shot through with static, a classic image of the United States at the turn…
In black and white photos and crackly films shot through with static, a classic image of the United States at the turn…
For more than a century, scientists considered banded langurs, a type of reclusive, tree-dwelling monkey, to be a single species—but new research…
An extended heat wave that has been baking the Russian Arctic for months drove the temperature in Verkhoyansk, Russia—north of the Arctic…
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A bumblebee visits a flower, drawn in by the bright colours, the patterns on the petals, and the aromatic promise of sweet…
Cats have a tapetum lucidum, which is a reflective layer behind the retina that sends light that passes through the retina back…
Poachers have killed a well-known mountain gorilla, delivering a setback to decades-long conservation efforts to pull the subspecies back from the precipice…
What Does a Snake Milker Do? A snake milker is a specialist zoologist who is able to extract venom from snakes and…