Nature and God

green nature blog 2019 69


The Spectacle of the Universe

Science today has provided us with very much information that suggests the universe was created by an intelligent being. Just gleaning through some of these facts should provide some insight on the creator and our purpose on the planet. For example, using advanced telescopes today we are able to see stars that are much farther and larger than the sun. It is interesting to note that after measuring the distance from the earth in relation to these stars and using the speed of light to estimate "what" we are observing one can not help but wonder how big the universe is. It takes several light years for light from these stars to reach earth, essentially meaning the light that leaves the star when you look at it will travel to earth and arrive millions of years after we have disappeared. You might even wonder if we are looking at the stars or are they looking down at us?

The Spectacle of Earth

In similar fashion when science goes through the factors that makes Earth a special planet one would be very careless to assume God is non-existent or incapable. In relation to this one of the most essential components for life of any form is water and more so liquid water. For this essential resource to exist and in such abundance is in itself a feat. A few miles closer to the sun and it would be impossible for this vital resource to condense and become a liquid. A few miles further away from the sun and this resource would freeze eliminating the possibility and existence of any complex life forms.

The Spectacle of the human being

In line with the above thoughts on nature and God just understanding ourselves should give us great insight on God and nature. One close examination of our orgs science will reveal how unique each one is and how special we must be. We have already mentioned the intricacy of digestion, which enzyme, how much, how long with this food, the questions are endless. But a great marvel is that of our very eyesight. We are created with eyes placed on the front of our face; two and they are quite strategically placed to give us sight through life. The concept of vision is one that has been understood for many years yet we are unable to make a device anything close to the human eye. Cameras use a similar concept but require batteries and must be aimed and shot to capture images. In our case we have a pair of fully automated cameras that take pictures without any film from birth until death.

The above examples are just but the tip of the evidence or at the very least proof of God's role in nature. All these accurate calculations would not be possible without a supreme and intelligent creator.



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