Money Saving Tips For the Home – Creative Purchases and Lifestyle Changes

by Lily White
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Difficult economic conditions can mean difficult choices for some. This can seem painful at first, but, with a little research and determination, you can take some decisions now that will serve you well financially-not just in terms of negotiating the tough times, but also for the future.

The first tip is look carefully at your mortgage, as your home is the most expensive item you are ever likely to own. Investigate the small-print very carefully and think about whether you are getting the best deal. Remember, being loyal to your bank is very beneficial to them, but it may well not prove so beneficial to you in the long run. See what other options are out there.

Also, consider changing your attitude to your credit card and the way the use it. It may be convenient to whisk it out of the wallet for every transaction, but remember, if you do not clear the full balance every month, you're putting money into the pockets of your card provider.

Think also about how much you are paying for your fuel bills. Energy provision is big business, and there are any number of suppliers that will be competitive for your business, despite rising energy demands. Examine the charges and prices quoted by different suppliers and consider changing. It's easy and quick to do, and could well end up saving you money.

As a follow-on, think seriously about installing a water meter. In a large home with few occupants, this could lower your annual water bill by as much as 50%.

As far as other household expenses are concerned, consider whether or not your telecommunications provider is giving you real value for money. There is a definite surfeit of providers and competition for your custom is cut-throat-and this is good news in terms of the money you could save . Consider also combining your telephone, television and Internet, as consolidating in this way can reap real financial benefits.

If your home is somewhat cluttered, then why not considering selling some of your unused items? Certain types of clothing, such as vintage or retro jackets, for instance, can fetch good prices and will always be in demand. Think about advertising on e-Bay. You may be surprised how useful some of those 'useless' items turned out to be after all!



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