Model Planes Batteries And Brushed Motor

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There is really no "best" radio for your plane, as Futaba, Hitec, Airdromes, Multiplex and JR are all fine brands, if you live in the US. They all have six-channel or better radio systems. For a beginner, the brand to select is the brand that your instructor will be using so that you can get a buddy chord, or he may have one, and then the transmitters can be used together. If you have not already visited the local RC flying club to find out what brands of radios the instructors use, it would be a good idea to do so.

Whether you get a simple or somewhat fancy radio does not make any difference for your trainer. You will end up with more than one transmitter over the course of this hobby. I have eight right now, but tend to use my Hitec Eclipse 7 the most, but the interesting thing is that I use none of the special features except for the plane memory and timer. The most important thing is to find out what your possible instructor is using for a brand, exact model does not matter, so that the buddy chord is compatible. People convert internal combustion glow fuel and gasoline fuel RC model airplanes to electric power all of the time.

I believe that you are not flying RC planes yet. The first step towards your goal would be to join a local RC club and learn to fly a trainer type plane. Next you'll need to move to a low-wing aerobatic trainer, and then to a ducted fan. Bob Violett Models has some nice sport ducted fans as well as several models designed for true jet engines to move into when you are ready for that. Once you are ready for a "true" jet, you will need to locate someone in your area to certify you to fly a turbine. They do require a special certificate.

In general, a brushed motor can use input power of up to the motor's weight in grams times 1.5, a multiplier I have discovered. As an example, the "Speed ​​400" can be used up to about 71g * 1.5 = 106.5 watts without "killing" it too quickly. The wind has to be taken into account as well, and that would be the 7.2v version of the mentioned motor. For a brushless motor, my personal choice for the multiplier is 3, but I have collected data that shows some folks using 3.5 as the multiplier.

Basically, to hover or prop hang, you need 125 to 150 watts in per pound. 1kg is about 35.3 oz. Egypt 2.2 lb. Therefore you need 125 * 2.2 = 275 watts in to 150 * 2.2 = 330 watts in. Using my multiplier means that the motor should weigh between 275/3 = 92g to 330/3 = 110g. The AXI 2814/12, 106g, would probably be a good choice. You can select any brushless inner runner or out runner of your choice using weight. For an inner runner you'll have to add the weight of the gearbox after the comparison / selection.

Also, look at the specifications for the various winds and choose the one that can swing the largest diameter prop at the power level required. You have to use Lithium Polymer batteries to hover. The battery needs to be able to do the amperage. I would recommend a 3300mAh pack made up of Enerland cells.

There are not too many 1kg planes in my database that are the 3D type. For the most part, 3D planes tend to be in the 600g to 700g range or even lighter. It is not that 1kg and heavier planes can not do 3-D, the reason that there are fewer 1kg 3-D planes is because of the expense. The lighter 3-D planes can be "relatively" inexpensive, but at 1kg and above, the power system does get somewhat more expensive than the majority of people want to spend.



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