Mirror's Edge – PlayStation 3 Demo Review


First I got the news from EBGames that the Mirror's Edge demo will be available on November 6th, I guess its been pushed forward by 1 week and is released today. Its always a good thing! Unlike Little Big Planet, I am still waiting for it to be shipped from Futureshop, it said "Shipped" but I have yet to see it in my mailbox.

Anywhere on the demo.

Oh-My-God, that was literal what I said to myself when I was playing this game, I have never had so much thrill for a long time! Even though the demo lasted 20-25 minutes max (except you keep dying). The game is similar to The Bourne Conspiracy where you have to act quickly otherwise you will be captured / killed. Compare to Bourne, I think Mirror's Edge is the better one.

Faith, your character tells you the story in comic style during loading which is plus, its always better to be looking at something moving rather than the old boring "loading" text. The first part of the demo starts you off with a few tutorials of how to move around, jump, slide underneath objects, climb up. Aside from the basics, you will learn to disarm from behind or from the front, shoot or throw away the weapon. That's not all! You will also learn to do crazy acrobatics like running horizontally on a wall then spin around and jump onto the opposite side (sorry I tried my best to describe). Its basically pressing 3 buttons but you need to really time your presses. So you can chain your moves and perform something crazy. One thing I absolutely love about the controls is that most of the actions are performed using just the L1.

The second part is the real deal where you have to jump / move / climb around to deliver a package to the other runner Celeste. In between you have to run away from hostiles and / or fight your way through. Let me tell you, the second part was a THRILL to play!

Graphics are AMAZING and capable to run in full HD 1080p. I particularly like the way the lighting is done. The whole city looks very realistic. I could not stop taking pictures while playing the game and graphics are that good. Definitely eye candy.

Can not really comment much on the music there's only one track and a good one of course. Kind of feel like the Metal Gear Solid opening music.

If you have not downloaded the demo, please do so! You do not know what you are missing!

I really appreciate game companies releasing game demos because they allow us gamers to try out the games before purchasing them, instead of doing all the guessing and then taking the risk of buying something we do not enjoy playing. Reading reviews and watching trailers from Gamespot and Gametrailers help a bit but you can never be sure until you have played the games YOURSELF.



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