Medical News Your guide to the carbon sucking tech we need to save the planet

Medical News

Humans have emitted so much carbon dioxide that we must find ways of sucking it from the air. Can that be done without wrecking the environment in other ways?


7 August 2019

Planting a trillion trees isn’t quite the climate panacea it might seemDEEPOL by plainpicture
HUMANS have now pumped so much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that the only way to meet our climate goals is to extract a stupendous amount of it. Last month, a headline-grabbing study suggested that we can do this just by planting a vast number of trees. But is it really that easy?
We know that we need to employ some form of carbon negative technology for two reasons. First, with emissions still rising, planetary warming is on course to exceed 2°C above pre-industrial temperatures …

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