An outbreak of hepatitis A in Norway has been linked to imported frozen raspberries. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) and Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) reported 20 people had been affected but the incident was now likely over. The outbreak ran from April to October and was reported earlier this year when 10…
The Codex Alimentarius Commission agreed on a range of standards but had to delay adoption of the final report after running out of time during its latest meeting. The Commission met online in November across several days and involved more than 800 participants. Members of the international food standards-setting body approved a number of standards, guidelines and…
Prodrome: This is the “preheadache” phase when you may start to see some warning signs like neck stiffness, mood changes, and frequent yawning. The prodrome phase can happen about 24 to 48 hours before the headache starts. Approximately 30% of people who get migraine experience these preheadache symptoms.Aura: Up to 20% of people with migraine…
The March of Dimes, an organization advocating for the health of birthing people and babies, just released its latest report on infant and maternal health. The report reinforces what is, unfortunately, a clear fact by now: U.S. rates of maternal mortality, non-fatal pregnancy and childbirth complications, and poor infant outcomes are all terribly, unacceptably high.“Today,…
Another person from Dancing with the Stars has tested positive for COVID-19. Dance pro and DWTS judge Derek Hough announced that he has a breakthrough COVID-19 infection. “Hey everyone, I have some news to share, and I wanted you to hear it straight from me: Even though I’ve been fully vaccinated, I’ve just been diagnosed with…
Although high-fiber diets may affect some people with ulcerative colitis during a flare-up, experts generally recommend making sure to get enough fiber during remission. One 2017 review of studies found that it may help prolong periods without inflammation—except for in people who have strictures, or a narrowing of the intestine4. “In those patients, we do…
- Lifestyle
Certain fish products, adulterated honey among a dozen new import modifications
by Sue JonesThe Food and Drug Administration uses import alerts to enforce U.S. food safety regulations for food from foreign countries. The agency updates and modifies the alerts as needed. Recent modifications to FDA’s import alerts, as posted by the agency, are listed below. Click here to go to the FDA page with links for specific details…
Spanish authorities have uncovered the transport of non-food products in food-grade containers without the proper cleaning. The Guardia Civil reported it was investigating 10 people as part of Operation Duel relating to the illegal transport of food. Checks were carried out on roads and at vehicle washing centers. Trucks equipped with food-grade tanks were used…
The Wyoming Legislature’s unanimous vote earlier this year on House Bill (HB) 95 means the state requirement that a game warden must first provide a tag before a resident can claim big game roadkill won’t any longer be mandated. Wyoming is stepping through regulations for a new roadkill system starting in 2022, allowing motorists to…
None of this is to say that the workouts on the Vault won’t get your heart pumping—I’m constantly dripping sweat at the end of the strength workouts.Equipment RequirementsYou can purchase either the Vault: Complete or Standalone. It’s about a $1,000 difference between the two versions; both options include free delivery and setup.The Vault: Complete includes…