

  • The consumer protection group As You Sow claims it has new testing data showing cadmium, a non-essential heavy metal, in a range of spinach products.  Results from the extensive testing, prompted As You Sow to file legal notices under California’s Toxic Enforcement Act over more than 20 companies whose spinach products contain cadmium. Included in the notices were retailers…

  • Listeria can be found in salmon production environments and on fish, according to a study in Norway. Researchers said fish with low levels of Listeria monocytogenes could enter the downstream supply so maintaining the cold chain during transportation and further processing is crucial to prevent growth in the final products. The Institute of Marine Research screened for Listeria…

  • Opinion This time we’ve been living through reminds me of when I first started going to the movies. A simple technique they often used back then was to start with a blur on the screen that soon became a nice sharp image. That blur we’ve experienced during these pandemic days also, with time, becomes a…

  • Editor’s note: We’ve updated this story to reflect the best Our Place cookware Cyber Monday sales for 2021. Through the end of today, November 29, the beloved Always Pan is $46 off. You’ll find a range of deep discounts at the Our Place sale, including on the brand’s Perfect Pot, its high-quality knives, cutting boards,…

  • The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has begun a new collaborative effort to study antimicrobial use and resistance on commercial swine farms in the Midwest. Each year in the United States, at least 2.8 million people are infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria or fungi. More than 35,000 people die as a result. According…

  • Climate change impacts such as higher average temperatures and more rain or droughts could increase the occurrence of some pathogens, according to a report from the Swedish Food Agency (Livsmedelsverket). The report also looks at the hazards that may become relevant in different food types as a result of climate change, with a focus on…

  • Six days before the premiere, the show announced that Williams was still receiving care for issues related to her Graves’ disease and unable to return to live TV just yet, and that guest hosts would be filling in. “Wendy continues to be under medical supervision and meets with her medical team on a daily basis,”…

  • At least four European countries have been affected by a Salmonella outbreak with investigators as yet unable to determine the source. Thirteen people have fallen ill in Iceland, eight in Denmark, one in Sweden and an unknown number of people were also ill in the Netherlands and Belgium. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and…