
How Collaborative Intelligence Can Boost Business Innovation

How Collaborative Intelligence Can Boost Business Innovation Ineffective meetings cost businesses $541 billion a year globally in lost productivity and employee time, according to Doodle’s 2019 State of the Meeting report. And according to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report, as much as 85% of employee time may be wasted on inefficient collaboration. But…

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How to Ask Whether an Employee Is Happy at Work

People quit jobs all the time — for better pay or a more exciting opportunity, to escape a toxic culture, or because they’ve reached an impasse in their current job. Some feel because they don’t feel valued by their manager or organization, or because their managers don’t spend enough time understanding their level of job…

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When to Change Your Company’s P&L Responsibilities

Changing which parts of your company have full profit and loss (P&L) responsibility is not a decision to take lightly. Executives considering a major rearrangement need to carefully consider the timing and pacing of these changes. The authors offer three scenarios in which to consider a restructure, and advice on how to manage organizational change without too…

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How to Respond to an Unreasonable Request

Unreasonable requests don’t have to be seen as intractable demands. These six strategies can help you respond more effectively and feel more empowered. First, assess the relationship. How (or if) you respond to the individual and how much you decide to try to accommodate the request, will likely depend on your relationship. Also, be curious.…

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