On Netflix’s Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Kiernan Shipka’s titular teenage witch is going through Hell — literally. The third season of the occult drama will follow Sabrina and the Fright Club’s journey to the underworld to rescue her beau Nick from Hell. But on Saturday, June 15, Shipka underwent her own kind of personal hell — in Fendi! — to make it to the 2019 MTV Movie & TV Awards.
“She’s sick / she’s wearin a fire fendi / she’s working off 2 hours of sleep / she’s going to the @mtv awards,” the 19-year-old actor captioned a gorgeous, albeit sulky, photo on Instagram. If only my eyeliner looked like that when I’m sick.
Though, by time Shipka stepped onto the Movie & TV Awards red carpet — in her fire Fendi dress — she was all smiles for the cameras. Maybe it was the sunshine, or perhaps the excitement of being nominated for a Golden Popcorn for Best Performance in a Show, but the Sabrina star was glowing on the carpet, lack-of-sleep and sickness be damned. Praise Satan.
Getty ImagesShipka also posed for pics alongside her Chilling costars — and on-screen boyfriends, past and present — Ross Lynch and Gavin Leatherwood. The trio left the relationship drama in Greendale and instead opted for a whole lot of fashion drama. Lynch in metallic stripes? Leatherwood in lace? Shipka in colorful, fire Fendi? I’d follow this trio into the pits of Hell.
Getty Images Sick or sickening, Shipka looked bewitching. The only thing that would really complete the look is a Golden Popcorn. Will she conjure up one by the end of the night? All will be revealed when the MTV Movie & TV Awards air on Monday, June 17, at 9 p.m. ET/PT.