How to Make the Most of Your Long-Haul Flight

by ava360
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Going on holiday gives us time to relax and have fun with family and friends, but to get to this point, we must travel.Many people dislike travelling,especially when it comes to flying. If you are planning on travelling to a destination which requires along-haul flight, check out these great tips to make the most of your long-haul flight and alleviate any anxieties.

Choose Good Seats

Although we may not always want to pay for better seating, during a long-haul flight it is worth it. If you are on a plane for 12 hours, the likelihood is that you will need to get up and use the toilet. This means aisle seats are great, especially for those with weak bladders. If you are an anxious flyer and you want the option of more room, it may be best looking at business class seats or those at the front, so you have more leg room and there is less chance of feeling claustrophobic. If you are extremely anxious about your flight, it is best speaking to your doctor about how to reduce these anxieties, including deep-breathing exercises or medication,if appropriate.

Get Something Done

If you are studying, this could be the perfect time to get some work done. You cannot procrastinate on a plane as well as you can at home, as there are few distractions. This can help your flight seem shorter and gives you time to catch up on some much-needed revision. If you work from home or can bring work with you, this can divert your attention from your flight and give you the opportunity to get ahead with work. This allows you to come back from holiday and pick up where you left off without having to do any overtime. Getting something done can simply mean finally finishing that book you have been reading for the past year, or you could even take this time to learn some common phrases and words in the native language of the country you are visiting.

Food and Drink

If you are on a long-haul flight, you should consider what you consume before the journey. If you suffer from anything such as IBS, it is recommended avoiding anything that may make this worse before the flight. You also should eat light meals and avoiding drinking too much, especially if you are nervous about using airplane bathrooms or walking around on the plane. There are plenty of options for food whilst on board, whilst some people may suggest skipping food to minimise jet lag, you may feel too hungry to do so. Ensure you pack some snacks just in case you find yourself still hungry after your in-flight meal.


If you find it difficult to sleep on airplanes, there are ways to make this easier. A pillow is beneficial to avoid a stiff neck at the end of your flight and both eye masks and earplugs can do wonders for helping you sleep. Many people use alcohol to help them relax and fall asleep,but this is not recommended, as it can lead to dehydration. Perhaps download some relaxing music on your phone or music player to help you drift off to sleep. It may be worth getting up earlier on the day you are travelling, so that you will be more tired on the plane, although for some this may not be an option. There are many natural remedies that can also help you sleep if you wish to take some on your flight.

Avoiding Jet Lag

Jet lag is inevitable after a long-haul flight, but there are ways to ensure that this is kept to a minimum. The time of your flight has a lot to do with jet lag and it could be better for you to arrive late in the afternoon or night-time. This means when you reach your destination, it is almost time to go to sleep, rather than arriving in the morning and then staying awake all day to avoid ruining your sleeping pattern further.

If you are travelling to reach your airport, this is best done the day before rather than adding an extra 5/6 hours onto your travel for the day. If you are travelling to London to fly, parking at Heath row airport gives you the option of booking a hotel with your parking. This makes Heathrow airport parking ideal for breaking up your travelling before your long-haul flight. For more information on parking and staying over before your flight, check out Heathrow Parking. Look for great deals on hotel and airport parking packages.

Long-haul flights are not ideal, but they can be the only way to reach your dream holiday destination. Although a holiday is meant to be a break from work, taking some to do some work on the plane can help the hours fly by, whilst sleeping is how most people try and break up their journey.

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