How to Find Cool Gifts For Tech Geeks

by Sue Jones
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Are you in search of some cool gift ideas for a technically inclined person? We'd like to help you out with that. First of all, we need to make sure that your person is in fact a tech geek. If they spend a great deal of time on or reading Wired magazine, then you're most likely on the right track.

Let's look at some factors that may help you find that cool gift idea. Here are a few items that define the tech geek:

  • They spend 70% or more of their free time in front of a computer.
  • When they're not in front of a computer, they might be tinkering with their gadgets or buying more gadgets.
  • Their full time job will most likely encourage their techie ways.
  • They may consume more than the average amount of energy drinks.
  • They might be on a pretty strange sleeping schedule.

Now, here's a list of some places where they might shop or get ideas for new gadgets / products: – Engadget is a web magazine with obsessive daily coverage of everything new in gadgets and consumer electronics. – Gizmodo is a blog about gadgets and technology. – is an store and community that focuses on selling cool stuff cheap. – Zappos is an online shoe store. With free next day shipping, this is a popular spot for those who spend a lot of time online. – Mac products are huge with the tech crowd. You can not go wrong here.

You can also check out our selection of tech gadgets , all of which have been recommended by technology enthusiasts.

We hope this makes your shopping experience a little less stressful and a bit more fruitful. Leave a comment below and let us know of some great tech gadgets that you stumble across.



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