Bluffing is the hallmark skill to master when you are playing poker whether it’s online or at a land-based casino. It could be the difference between a weak hand becoming a winning one, depending on how you strategize the bluff.
But what happens when you are playing online poker and the other players can’t see you as you are playing? Maybe it is on a live stream where everyone can hear one another’s voices while playing, but there is no video footage of participating players. While it can be challenging to bluff during an online poker game, it’s still possible.
Try online slots at NetBet as an alternative to enjoy poker when you can’t make it to a land-based casino. With new advancements in augmented reality (AR), live casino streams make it more of a life-like poker-playing experience.
Understand the Importance of Position
What is your current position at the virtual poker table? If you are in a late position, which means you are acting last in a betting round, you have more of an advantage in observing other players’ betting patterns to strategize accordingly.
Being in a late position can help you increase your bluffing strategy. Attempting to bluff during an early position can be too risky because players can have a chance to show their hands after yours. If you act too early, someone may also call your bet of a strong hand.
One great tip when understanding positional importance is to call a bluff when everyone has folded or checked. You never know if a player will pick up on your strategy and attempt to mimic it in later rounds.
Choose the Right Moments
It’s all about timing it right when it comes to bluffing in poker. Bluffing shouldn’t be and doesn’t have to be done in every poker round. It all depends on the situation in the current game.
For example, if the community hand suggests that a strong personal hand is possible, this may be a great time to strategically administer a bluff. A poker board with stronger cards like aces in Kings may cause players to fold early in the game.
This is especially so if there is more of a chance of a straight or a flush happening. Bluffing is best done in situations where you have been playing tight, or if your players have been showcasing weaknesses, such as folding or checking earlier in a poker round.
Consider the Number of Opponents
Playing against a smaller number of players can make it easier to bluff than if you are going against too many opponents simultaneously. The fewer the players that remain after checking or folding, the less likely that someone could call your bluff with a stronger hand. For example, going against one or two opponents can make it easier to blow off while playing with three or more opponents can make it riskier to Bluff. In the case of going against more opponents, it’s best to be selective when you do bluff.
Use Your Betting Patterns To Your Advantage
To make your bluff successful, you have to make it seem like you are holding a premium hand so that you can encourage other players to reveal their hands early in the game. Even if you think your hand is not as strong as other opponents’ hands, you should use the same betting strategy that you would if you did have a strong hand. Raising big is a good strategy to administer when you are bluffing. Making too small of bets can make it seem like you are playing too cautiously while holding a strong hand.