Hawley’s “Alien,” “Trek” Future Uncertain

Hawley’s “Alien,” “Trek” Future Uncertain

Hawleys Alien Trek Future Uncertain

“Fargo” and “Legion” series creator Noah Hawley has, in the past, spoken about his work on a script for a standalone “Star Trek” film and a possible “Alien” TV series spin-off.

Whilst discussing them before, he’s suggested he’s uncertain if either project would move forward. Speaking with Deadline this week, he pretty much reiterated that it’s unlikely either will move forward.

Asked about both projects and a potential fifth season of “Fargo,” he responded:

“I know that there’s an effort to reshuffle a lot of things post-Disney takeover and [the ‘Alien’ TV series] was a conversation that I had a couple years back. And I have not in the last few weeks been having those conversations about it. But I know that like any studio that there’s a great desire to make the most of one’s library so I wouldn’t be surprised to see something like that. Ya know, I have conversations from time to time but I’m not committed.

[‘Star Trek’] doesn’t appear to be in my immediate future. I think when Emma [Watts] came [to Paramount], she took a look at the franchise and wanted to go in a different direction with it. But you know, life is long, we were very close to production but in this business that doesn’t mean much. You got to get out of the gate to be in the race if you know what I mean.”

While both of those seem to have sunk into a quagmire, a fifth season of “Fargo” seems almost a certainty at this point. Hawley says he has an idea but hasn’t been able to really develop it yet. The show’s fourth season just wrapped last night.

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