Giving Students Feedback, Using a Classroom Website

education methods 2019 1 29


Evaluating students online in a classroom website can be tricky. It can be done in a variety of ways, none of which is much faster than the old pencil and paper. Giving feedback to students in a classroom website, though, is much more efficient, though, and it does save the environment.

A newly-developed method of giving students feedback on their student websites, using a comment feature is taking many students and their parents by storm. Not only do students actually review the teacher feedback, they are now looking over prior lessons to see where they have made mistakes. It's all contained on the classroom website and can be accessed from anywhere.

The feedback is left on the student websites' comment feature on a classroom website, in a wiki platform.

Here's how it works. The teacher begins by creating a one-size-fits-all grade sheet or checklist, which is pasted into the comment section on each student website. The feedback checklist comes with a note telling students that only the underlined comments on the checklist are relevant to their work.

The best part of this method, though, is that teachers have the ability to link the comments directly to mini-lessons and work examples that have provided during the learning unit. These are housed on other pages within the classroom website.

So, the student gets a grade on a project, which he sees on his online gradebook. He then goes to his student website and scrolls to the bottom to view the comment section. What he finds is not only comments about his work, but also links to actual presentations and lessons, so he can be reminded of how to properly complete the assignment.

This makes the comment section of the student website one of the most powerful tools ever created for a paperless classroom.



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