Generating Integrative Linguistic Skills From Film Loglines

by Emily Smith
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Teaching is a strategic act of engagement.

– James Bellanca

Log line is typically a one-sentence synopsis of a motion picture or book that stresses the main conflicts among characters in the films’ scripts. Log lines can possibly serve to stimulate readers’ interests regarding the films. Log line is one unseen component of films that can be incorporated to worth digesting pedagogical activities from innovative teachers. As perceived by the writer, log lines can be employed specifically in integrating language skills such as vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing and speaking. In the case of log lines that bear posters with images, teachers may further incorporate the role of the viewing skills.

This approach is explicated by the employment of a log line with illustrated examples designed to suit target learners. They will be introduced and managed in the following sequential components: the title, genre, original log line’s text and motivation by background information to stimulate learners’ interest before they activate the perceived possible tasks on vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing and speaking.

Vocabulary covers terminology comprehension; grammar activity focuses on evident grammar rudiments that are perceived from the passage while reading activities will ponder on the three dimensions of comprehensions. For writing, rewriting the log line through a brief sentence or rephrasing with the utilization of their own words, and conceptualizing probable titles and paragraph composition will be the concentration.

The speaking elements highlight oral interpretation by personalized understanding of the log line, judging the title, citing its film genre, naming conflicts to be supported by the context of the log line, and framing possible appropriate title that blends with the g log line as an instructional springboard.

Skills Integration Application

a. Film title: The Godfather

b. Film Genre: Action-Drama

c. The logline:

“The aging patriarch of an organized crime dynasty transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son.”

d. Motivation by background information of the logline

e. vocabulary activities

The vocabularies:

(1) aging (2) clandestine (3) reluctant (4) patriarch (5) organized (6) dynasty (7) transfers (8) empire

1. What is the opposite of each word?

aging – clandestine- reluctant- son

Options: daughter- young- visible- willing

2. Provide the synonyms of the given words. Choose from the options.

aging – clandestine – reluctant – patriarch – organized – dynasty- transfers- empire

Options: getting old – domain- father- controlled- unwilling- rule- handovers

3. Choose a word and create a hyponym of it.

transfer- son- crime

4. Choose a word and analyze its structures.

clandestine- reluctant- organized

5. Use a spider gram to brainstorm words associated to an opted word from the given vocabularies.

aging- clandestine- reluctant- patriarch- organized- dynasty-transfers- empire

f. grammar activities

Grammar rudiments

The word order that can be pointed out is adjective and noun word order. Adjective occurs primarily before a noun.

1. Identify the adjectives that modify the nouns. Label the noun and the adjectives.

aging patriarch- reluctant son – organized crimes

Grammar rudiments

The prepositional phrase is made out of preposition, an object of preposition which is either a noun or a pronoun, or any modifier of the object. Thus, a prepositional phrase is composed sequentially by a preposition, the object with or without modifier.

Prepositional phrases can function as an adjective phrases or adverb phrases.

These types of phrases modify other words in a sentence.

Prepositional phrases as adjective phrases:

The man behind the red curtain is his best friend. The prepositional phrase tells about the man.

The money in the steel drawer was stolen last night. The preposition phrase relates to the money.

Both prepositional phrases act as adjectives that’s why they are considered adjective phrases.

Prepositional phrases as adverb phrases:

The ball rolled down the creek. The prepositional phrase describes the verb, rolled.

He answered during the rigid interview. The prepositional phrase describes the verb, answered.

Both prepositional phrases function as adverbs so they are called adverb phrases.

2. Identify the prepositional phrases in the log line and use these phrases in sentences.

3. Construct two prepositional phrases that are used as an adverb phrase and as an adjective phrase. Your sentences should revolve around the context of the log lines.

Grammar rudiments

The S-V-O -DO-IO forms the equation, subject + verb +direct object + indirect object. You can invert the pattern into S-V-IO- DO.

The subject may be the doer or the action or the one spoken about. The verb is an action word or a state verb. The direct object receives the state verb or the action verb. The indirect object answers the questions: to whom? or to what? In a statement with direct or indirect objects. Both objects can exchange positions.

4. Construct a sentence with S-V-O pattern, S-V-IO-DO pattern and S-V-O-IO pattern. The ideas to be expressed in the sentences should be based from the contexts of the log lines.

g. reading activities

5. Reading comprehension

Literal level:

What’s the father going to transfer to his son?

Interpretative level:

Does the statement say his son agrees immediately? Support your answer.

Evaluative level:

If you are the son, will you be able to accept it? Why?

h. writing activities

6. Rewrite the sentence by using your own words. Use an active voice sentence structure.

7. Conceptualize a title with the original title’s context through the equation article+ adjective + a noun+ a prepositional phrase.

8. Expand your opinion regarding the log line by way of a paragraph. Use opinion expressions. Be able to incorporate a topic sentence, supporting details and concluding sentence.

i. speaking activity

9. Orally express ideas by answering the speaking guide questions below in complete sentences

What’s the title of the film? What’s the genre of the film? What conflict is dominant in the log line? Be able to support your answer in the context of the passage. If you were to change the title of the film, what would it be?

How does this teaching style work? A language instructor chooses a log line that is capable for promoting activities that are conceptualized for possible skills integration out of its structures and contexts. The teacher should fit these tasks into the decided components: vocabulary,grammar,reading and writing. The vocabulary tasks may center on obtaining word meanings in any styles to be unlocked. The grammar activities highlight grammar rudiments that are observed in the text to be specifically determined and structured. The rules from evident varied language focuses will be mainly employed. The reading activities will produce constructed questions based from the three levels of comprehension: literal, interpretative and critical. This approach will also embody writing activities such as rephrasing sentences using students’ learned vocabularies. Additionally, employment of the required expressions for sentence constructions, reconstruction of titles base from the a proposed equation, elaboration of ideas through prescribed opinion expressions, and the integration of expressions to convey ideas in speaking through the guide questions are to be incorporated in the specified learning components.

As one crucial element in using the log line, it is suggested that the mentor provides a background about the movie initially to empower the students’ prior knowledge in facilitating activities for independent and collaborative involvement.



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