Valve has announced that DOTA 2’s massive professional gaming tournament The International will no longer allow fans to attend due to COVID. The event is still going forward, though, and it is scheduled to begin on October 7 in Romania, Bucharest.”We have been carefully evaluating the continued rise of Covid rates in Romania, as well…
There has been a fresh round of reports of Amazon’s MMO New World causing graphics cards to either crash or fail completely. A similar issue occurred during the beta for New World during which RTX 3090s were bricking, possibly due to the settings menu having an uncapped framerate. The issue seemed limited to EVGA cards,…
The latest interactive experience for Netflix sees the New Day taking on the Dead Man.By Mat Elfring on October 1, 2021 at 2:47PM PDT Netflix has delivered numerous interactive experiences through its streaming service from the You vs. Wild series starring Bear Grylls to Black Mirror’s Bandersnatch. The streaming service is leading the way of…
Amazon Games’ New World is an MMORPG of the old-school variety, where players will be leveling up their characters by completing quests, battling foes, and gathering resources. As one might expect from an MMO, this can take some time. Leveling up a character goes quickly at first, but begins to take more and more effort…
- Games
Ben Affleck Had ‘Fun’ Playing Batman In The Flash After ‘Difficult’ Justice League
by Tech NewsIf you follow Batman films at all, you’ve probably heard all the nightmares that come with dawning the cowl in real life–going to the bathroom, turning your head, even little things are tougher in the suit. But there’s a fun side to it, too, as Ben Affleck testified about his experience reprising the role for…
With Metroid 5, aka Metroid Dread, right around the corner is it worth starting all the way back at the first entry in 2021?By Evan Langer on October 3, 2021 at 11:00AM PDT Metroid was released on the Famicom in Japan on August 6th, 1986, and then August 1987 on the NES in North America.…
Returning with more secrets that you probably don’t know about in Breath of the Wild! This time we dive into what heart containers are made of, the highest damage amount you can do in the game, lifting ingredients in your hands, and much more!By Max Blumenthal on October 3, 2021 at 7:00AM PDT In the…
In today’s GameSpot News, Phil Spencer speaks about the shortage of Xbox Series X|S, . Amazon Games addresses New World players bypassing the game’s AFK detection system, and From Software’s Yashuhiro Kitao reveals Elden Ring is at the end of development.By DeVante Chisolm and Persia on October 4, 2021 at 5:03PM PDT In this video…
Crafting is a huge part of Amazon’s MMO New World. There are 17 crafting-related skills in total, ranging from logging and mining to weaponsmithing and jewelcrafting. While actually crafting large quantities of items can be done relatively quickly, gathering the necessary resources can be time-consuming. To cut down a tree, you’ll have to hack away…
Here’s over 8 minutes of gameplay from the Battlefield 2042 Beta, including awesome firefights, vehicular combat, and even an up-close and personal look at the extreme weather system — by diving into a Tornado!By Erick Tay on October 6, 2021 at 12:00AM PDT EA has launched the Battlefield 2042 beta, allowing players to dive into…