The world was stunned to learn that Chadwick Boseman had passed away in late August. The actor passed away after a four-year battle with colon cancer. Throughout his battle, Boseman still found the time to visit children with cancer, which he kept private. Now, there is an art piece honoring the late actor and Black…
While the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S will usher in the new age of gaming, there’s a refreshing focus on sticking with the past.By Alessandro Fillari on September 18, 2020 at 4:16PM PDT We’re about to enter what is likely the strangest transition to next-gen consoles we’ve ever seen. After months of fragmented online speculation…
A tale of love and war machines.By Heidi Kemps on September 18, 2020 at 3:41PM PDT Despite what the box and blurbs might tell you, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim isn’t really a game about piloting giant robots. I mean, sure, you do fight off massive swarms of building-sized creatures hellbent on total destruction in an…
Click To Unmute Streets Of Kamurocho Ichiban GameplayCyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire Episode 4 LivestreamCyberpunk 2077 — “2077 In Style” Character Customization TrailerCyberpunk 2077 — Behind the Scenes: Arch Motorcycle With Keanu Reeves And Gard Hollinger TrailerCyberpunk 2077 — Official “Rides Of The Dark Future” Gameplay TrailerCyberpunk 2077 Diner Trailer | Night City Wire Episode…
A new console generation is upon us. If you don’t play video games (or even if you do), navigating the tech and gaming landscapes can feel intimidating, even without the additional questions and confusion prompted by new PlayStation and Xbox systems hitting the market soon. If you’re a prospective buyer, like a parent doing some…
The products discussed here were independently chosen by our editors. GameSpot may get a share of the revenue if you buy anything featured on our site. Though most of the hype this holiday season surrounds a pair of next-generation consoles, Nintendo has had a huge year as well, largely due to the massive launch of…
When Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson appeared at the first day of DC FanDome, he brought with him some exciting news about the upcoming Black Adam movie. During the panel, the former WWE wrestler revealed that the film will introduce the Justice Society of America, which is a team of superheroes that preceded the Justice League.…
Click To Unmute Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire Episode 4 LivestreamCyberpunk 2077 — “2077 In Style” Character Customization TrailerCyberpunk 2077 — Behind the Scenes: Arch Motorcycle With Keanu Reeves And Gard Hollinger TrailerCyberpunk 2077 Diner Trailer | Night City Wire Episode 4Cyberpunk 2077 — Official “Rides Of The Dark Future” Gameplay TrailerThe Sounds Of Cyberpunk…
It’s been seven years since the last mainline Splinter Cell game. Here’s Jake’s theory as to why we haven’t seen Sam Fisher and his trademark goggles in so long.By Jacob Dekker and Jordan Ramée on September 18, 2020 at 8:22PM PDT It kind of feels like Ubisoft is just making fun of us at this…
Marvel’s Avengers has had a tough launch. The game has endeared itself to players with a strong story and a pretty fun post-campaign live game component–even though the two parts didn’t really gel–but it’s been plagued with bugs since its release. With a new update, developer Crystal Dynamics is hoping to clear out the infestation,…