Five Travelling Tips During the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Lily White
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As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to force Americans to adjust to the changes in their lives, travelling has become one of the most-affected industries. Restrictions limiting travel now exist in most countries in an attempt to curb the spread of the virus. However, being constantly locked down in the house is not easy.

And of course, the time comes when you must step out in order to run some errands or accomplish some work-related tasks. Here are some travel tips you might find useful when you need to travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Industries Suffering Due to Travel Restrictions

Activities in the hospitality industry, which relies heavily on travel, have almost come to a standstill. Most restaurants that are still operational are only serving takeout, which means they now require less than half of the staff they needed before the pandemic. Tourism has also suffered immensely owing to the fact that visitors no longer stream into the country in large numbers.

Sporting activities have come to a halt due to the implementation of social-distancing measures, meaning that fans no longer get together to watch their favourite teams battle for trophies. The few sporting activities allowed to continue must limit the number of spectators allowed to watch. Be that as it may, you are allowed to travel in dire situations, such as medical emergencies.


What to Remember When Travelling


1. Isolate Before and After the Trip

Some individuals get the virus and go through recovery without showing any symptoms. Therefore, there is a small chance that you can contract the virus and never become aware of it. Self-isolating for 14 days prior to the trip guarantees that you won’t carry the virus to your destination.

Be sure to follow the trip with another two weeks of self-isolation when you get back, just in case you contracted COVID-19 during the trip.


2. Travel with a Limited Number of People

Directives issued by government agencies dictate that people travel only when it is absolutely necessary. More people moving back and forth increases human contact and further spreads the virus. With this in mind, it might be a good idea to put off a holiday trip with the family until later. Your kids will understand when you delay the family vacation due to concerns for their health and wellbeing.


3. Learn the Laws of Your Travel Destination

One of the ways to save money when visiting a new place is renting a car and driving yourself instead of hailing a cab each time you want to move. Should you opt for a rental, you also need to familiarize yourself with the traffic laws and other regulations that apply in the location you are visiting.

Nonetheless, it doesn’t hurt to seek counsel from a legal expert in the area. For instance, a  Richmond car accident attorney can help you when you plan a trip to explore Virginia.


4. Sanitize Often

Clean your hands thoroughly every chance you get. Scientists recommend hand washing as an effective way to kill viruses on your hands. Where a sink with running water and soap may not be available, use an alcohol-based sanitizer to rid your hands of the virus.


5. Have a Contingency Plan

Nobody can accurately predict how the virus infection rate will pan out owing to how fast the virus spreads. Due to this, you must know that things can change at any time during your trip and disrupt your schedule. Prepare for any eventualities, including sudden lockdown measures, quarantine away from home, and being hospitalised in a foreign area if you contract the virus.


Take Protective Steps if You Can’t Stay Put

Medical professionals advise against travelling during the Covid 19 pandemic unless it cannot be avoided. If you must travel outside your home, ensure that you observe measures like the ones listed above to avoid contracting and spreading the virus to others.



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