Email Design

Email Design Best Practices

by Lily White
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Email marketing is a popular way of products and services promotion. So, it is important to discover the Stripo templates and other email design templates you can use.

The Ultimate Guide to Email Design and 13 Best Practices

What are the best email design tools you can use to email customers?

1. Address the customer directly

People like it when their name is called. If you mention your customer’s name, the email will look more personal. So, it will attract more attention.

2. Always write the subject

Including the subject of your email is a compulsory rule of politeness. What is more, a person will more likely open the email if they see what it is about.

3. Create a vivid first line

The first line is what is shown when you go into your mailbox. So, your first line will also attract the attention of your potential leads.

4. Write an attractive first sentence

When a customer opens the email, they start reading it. At this step, they think about whether to continue reading the whole text.

5. Send a large number of emails

Only a small percentage of people who receive your email will become your leads. That is why you need to send a lot of them. To simplify the process, use special email design software.

6. Pictures should attract attention


Images are what attract the reader’s attention. They should be vivid, but simple and friendly. So, they will put the customer in a cheerful mood and make them like your product.

7. Think of the color of your email

In any marketing picture, it is important not to place more than three colors. What is more, you should not overload the email with bright colors. It is better to place a simple and professional palette.

8. Use a call-to-action sentence

Call To Action, also called CTA, is an integral part of your email. If you ask the customer for some action, they are more likely to buy your product.

call to action

9. Attach important files and links

In this way, you will link your services or products in the text. This means that the potential customer will easily find and buy them.

10. Use an individual approach

It is more likely that a person will buy a product if you use an individual approach. A standard advertising email will not attract their attention. Instead, you should address the person by name.

11. Use modern design tools

The whole design and layout of your email are also important. You can look for online email design tools or ask an email designer to help you.

12. Mind the mobile compatibility

Remember that your customers mostly read emails on their phones. So, before you send them, make sure it looks great on any device. You can also use HTML email design tools to adjust them.

13. Improve your emails

Customer feedback is a crucial part of email sending. After you send several emails, write down how many people answered them and why. Then, change your emails for the better.

improve your emailsEmail Design

When a customer opens the email, they start reading it. At this step, they think about whether to continue reading the whole text. Only a small percentage of people who receive your email will become your leads. That is why you need to send a lot of them. To simplify the process, use special email design software.

What is Email Design?

Email design is a practice of applying modern professional design to emails that go to clients. They attract the clients’ attention to the products or services of a company.

Email Design Best Practices

People like it when their name is called. If you mention your customer’s name, the email will look more personal. So it will attract more attention. Including the subject of your email is another compulsory rule of politeness. What is more, a person will more likely open the email if they see what it is about.

Images are what attract the reader’s attention. They should be vivid but simple and friendly. So, they will put the customer in a cheerful mood and make them like your product. In any marketing picture, it is important not to place more than three colors. What is more, you should not overload the email with bright colors. It is better to place a simple and professional palette.

It is more likely that a person will buy a product if you use an individual approach. A standard advertising email will not attract their attention. Instead, you should address the person by name.

The whole design and layout of your email are also important. You can look for online email design tools or ask an email designer to help you. Remember that your customers mostly read emails on their phones. So, before you send them, make sure it looks great on any device. You can also use HTML email design tools to adjust them.

Customer feedback is a crucial part of email sending. After you send several emails, write down how many people answered them and why. Then, change your emails for the better.

Email Design Tools

To make the creation of your emails easier, you can use online tools. You can also use HTML editors to design them. Let’s look at why using email design tools is effective.

1. Fast work

When using special templates for your emails, you save time. You do not need to create a design from the very beginning. There is no need to conduct a deep analysis and choose the necessary color scheme. You can create several emails automatically.

2. An easy way to create emails

Design tools allow you not to use special programs and editors for the design. You don’t need to figure out how they work and become a professional. What you need is to choose the best design and apply it.

3. East storage

If you use online design tools, you can store all the designs in the cloud. There is no need to install special software that wastes the space on your computer. You can also use a new account for each thematic design.

4. Create branding

Online design tools allow you to customize your emails. This means that you will have your own branding. And your customers will recognize your company by the design of your emails.

5. Interactive elements

Online design tools for emails often contain interactive videos or images. You may also apply quizzes that will collect the opinions of your leads. Such elements attract the customers’ attention and increase their engagement with your product.


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