Drawing – Basic Tips to Help You Improve

by AVA
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Drawing well has two major parts – how you see and what you do with the pencil. Here are some tips that will build up your drawing muscles on each front.

1) Draw with your weak hand

In other words, if you are right-handed, draw with your left hand, and vice versa. This is going to be hard at first, and you are going to say "Why am I doing this?" You are doing it because it develops your brain and your hand-eye coordination in excellent ways, but also because it forces you to really look hard at what you are trying to draw. When every line is a challenge to make, you will simplify the image and focus on only the most important lines, and this is a terrific skill to build.

2) Put a frame around your drawings before you start

Here's something that makes drawing easier. Making the frame first helps a lot with measuring with distances between different parts of your drawing, and getting those distances correct is critical to a good-looking piece. Making the frame first also helps with composition – you have to pick which section of the image you're going to focus on, and this helps you balance what's in the drawing.

3) Use different kinds of pencils, markers, etc

If you always draw with a pencil, try drawing with a magic marker, or with a crayon. Using different mediums will allow you to accentuate different aspects of an image. As you progress, you will begin to see that different subjects do better with different drawing tools – like colored pencils for landscapes, and marks for cartoons.

4) Use accentuated lines

Make a simple drawing. Notice where the lines come together, and where they turn or bend sharply. Make those little sections of the lines darker. Making the parts of lines darker where they bend or meet is called using "accentuated line" and it can really make your drawings pop.

5) Try to see things as if they were flat

You do not even need pencil and paper for this, and you can do it any time. Try to see things as if they were only two-dimensional. Imagine the shadows and the highlights just as different colors of the same flat piece. This helps your drawing a lot, because, in a visual sense, drawing is just taking a three-dimensional image and recreating it in a two-dimensional space.

6) Draw using shapes

This is a very old trick, but it works. Break things down into circles and tubes, blocks and triangles. Then draw those simple shapes to create the more complex image.

7) Sketch

Many new artists try to get the lines right the first time. Then clench their pencils, and slowly draw one hard line. Lighten up. Do not worry about how one or two or even three of the lines look – just start sketching. This also loosens you up to be willing to draw an image more than once. Frequently the best learning and the best results come after you've drawn your first try, laughed at how bad it was, and then immediately picked up the pencil and tried again.



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