Discover How You Can Benefit From Regular Massage

Discover How You Can Benefit From Regular Massage e1608732994985


There are records indicating massage was used as long ago as 3000 BC, that’s an impressive 5,000 years ago. The approach may have changed a little but the basic process remains the same. Originally, massage was seen as a sacred system of natural history.

In fact, many of the techniques used today have their roots in these ancient practices. Of course, modern massage is also influenced by a much greater knowledge of the human body, allowing a more targeted and effective approach.

Many people think of massage as a way to de-stress or perhaps to help after you’ve suffered trauma. However, if you find a reputable massage center, such as this Botany physiotherapy, you’ll find that it can benefit anyone. This is especially true if you have regular massages.

This may seem surprising as massage is simply a case of pushing and manipulating your body. However, a trained professional knows what areas to press and how to get the best possible results. The techniques have been used for thousands of years, which confirms there is some benefit to regular massage.


Massage is intended to relax muscles and improve the circulation of blood and nutrients around your body. In this way, it helps your muscles, organs, and other cells to heal, as well as function to their full potential.

Unfortunately, modern life is exceptionally stressful. A massage will have limited positive effects as it takes time to relax the muscles and create a sustained improvement in your body(s systems. A single massage will feel great while it’s being done but the benefits will quickly fade.

However, regular massage will build on the benefits. This will help to ensure you get the best possible results from your sessions. The improvement in your body can actually increase your quality of life.

There are many benefits of regular massage that you should be aware of:


When you get a massage your muscles and tendons will be manipulated. The aim is to release the stress that builds up in your body. As your body releases stress it is better able to heal itself from a variety of issues.

However, the physical efforts may help to lower physical stress, but it’s emotional stress that can be significantly more damaging to your body and mind. Emotional stress occurs all the time because you’re aware of an upcoming incident that will be stressful. This could be a meeting with a boss, a public presentation, or even the knowledge that you have to make a decision.

These things weigh on your mind constantly, causing stress.

Unfortunately, stress is dangerous. Research shows that chronic stress is detrimental to your physical health. It increases the likelihood of an array of age-related diseases. These include cardiovascular issues, stroke, and it can even weaken the immune system.

The good news is that when you have a massage you can actually release this emotional stress. You don’t have to try. Receiving massage forces you to stop thinking about everything that is going on in your life. For a short while your mind and body are relaxed, the stress is released.

When you receive regular massages this release of emotional and physical stress becomes a consistent occurrence. This helps your body to release stress at all times and reduces the negative effects of stress on your body and mind.

It’s not just a mental benefit. As your body de-stresses the production of cortisol slows and even stops. This is the stress hormone and it is produced whenever you feel stressed. Its production inhibits the production of other hormones in your body. De-stressing through regular massage allows your body to balance your hormones!


Circulation is essential to the health of all your organs. As blood flows around your body it carries nutrients, these are absorbed into the cells allowing them to function properly. The blood also helps to carry away the toxins from the cells and deposit them with your kidneys, allowing them to be removed from your body.

If your circulation is poor then the nutrients will not reach all your cells and the toxins won’t be eliminated properly. This results in cell damage.

Good circulation also increases the oxygen that gets to your cells. This is also carried in the blood and is an essential part of cell health.

The most common signs of this are a lack of elasticity in the skin, you may also find that pinching your skin turns it white and it takes a long time to return to pink.

Better circulation also helps to lower your blood pressure, reducing the risk associated with high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

In short, poor circulation can lead to an array of issues, regular massage can help to prevent these.

It works because massage manipulates your muscles and tendons, this encourages blood flow to the area which boosts your circulation. It’s most beneficial when an all-over body massage is performed but there is still a noticeable benefit when undertaking regular localized massage.


Your immune system is made up of white blood cells that live in your blood. These react when you have an infection or a bacterial invasion and fight off the invaders. You have many different types of white blood cells and your body is capable of producing them as needed to deal with specific invasions.

It can produce white blood cells to fight new infections, this generally takes a little longer than producing them to fight infections you’ve had previous experience with.

The human immune system is ingenious and surprisingly adaptable. But, if you don’t look after your body the production and effectiveness of these white blood cells can be lowered, leading to an increase in infections.

The white blood cells move around in your blood. Regular massage boosts blood circulation which allows the white blood cells to circulate freely throughout the body. This helps to ensure they are where they need to be to deal with infections and other attacks.

In addition, regular massage encourages the lymphatic glands to work effectively. They help to clean the blood and this assists the white blood cells in being prepared for anything. They work better in cleaner blood.

Regular massage also encourages the dispersement of lactic acid and waste products. If left these will build up and cause muscle pain and fatigue. That will affect the ability of your body to function properly and fight infections.


If you’ve ever undertaken intensive exercise you’ll be familiar with the aches that set in a day later. This is generally referred to as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness( DOMS). It’s a natural result of using the muscles and passes fairly quickly.

But, it does cause muscle tension which increases the likelihood of muscle injury.

Regular massage encourages the muscles to relax. In fact, massaging muscles encourages your body to produce muscle-relaxing hormones. The more relaxed your muscles are the less likely it is that you’ll experience stiffness and muscle pain.

In short, you’ll decrease your reliance on painkillers and reduce the likelihood of developing muscle strain.

Alongside this, regular massage will encourage the muscles to heal and create stronger bonds. This improves the strength and flexibility of the muscle.


Modern life causes bad posture. From sitting in front of computer screens to slouching in front of the television. Unfortunately, bad posture increases the likelihood of muscle fatigue, injury, and can negatively affect your quality of life.

Regular massage can alleviate these issues. Because your body, including your muscles and joints, are being manipulated they will be relaxed and then sit in the correct position. This will encourage better posture.

Of course, the key here is regular massage. One session will not rebalance years of sitting at a desk, but regular massage sessions will. You’ll feel younger, fitter, and are more likely to gain confidence as you can stand tall.


If you’re not currently having regular massage sessions you need to book your first one. The effects won’t start to be felt until after several sessions. But, when this happens, you’ll be glad you started having regular massage.

In simple terms, regular sessions can help to reverse the damage being done by the hectic and stressful modern lifestyle that many of us lead.

It can also help you to take some time for yourself. This encourages you to reflect on yourself ad life, helping you to make better life choices.

It’s surprising, but regular massage can have a positive effect on your physical and mental health.

Of course, before you start having a regular massage you should speak to your medical professional. This will ensure they tell you of any issues that your massage therapist should be aware of. You’ll also have to allow time with your massage therapist to go through current medical conditions and issues. This allows them to focus on the most important areas first and gradually cover all the relevant muscles and joints.


By Jesse Huges




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