Classroom Management and Discipline – Discover the Top 3 Myths

by Meili
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Classroom management is something that worries hundreds, if not thousands, of teachers all over the world. And yet when it comes to classroom management and discipline there is a minefield of myths to get through before you can find some good, honest, effective classroom management advice.

So what are the top 3 myths?

Myth Number One:

Do not smile until Christmas. This is perhaps one of the most common myths around. And yet if you want good student discipline, the best route is through respect. Not fear. Do not be afraid to smile. In fact, I spend most of my teaching time smiling! Just make sure that you show you mean business when students step over the line.

Myth Number Two:

Classroom management and discipline can not be taught. I believe very strongly that this is absolutely not true. And yet so many teachers, and even more ex-teachers, believe that it's true. The fact is that most teachers were not born with the ability to effectively manage student behavior. It needs practice. And it can be taught. Just like riding a bike.

Myth Number Three:

The best way to get a class to beave is to make them like you. I've lost count of the number of times I've heard this one. And it's the biggest myth of them all! Your aim as a teacher is not to be your students' friend. You're there as an authority figure. To teach and guide them into making the right choices in life. The fact is, students can tell which teachers just want to be liked. And they do not respect them. The teachers with the best classroom management and discipline are the ones who do not care how much their students dislike them. And their classes always end up loving them for it!



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