Challenges of Bespoke Software Development and Mitigation

by Emily Smith
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It is needless to say, the current day enterprises would feel helpless without a computerized environment. Various sophisticated hardware and software run the current day businesses. A semi automated work culture has predominated over decades now and increasingly automated processes are coming to place. At the same time, considering the different environment and resource management in organizations, there is an increasing need of specialized software which suits the needs and also cost-effective to procure and use. Realizing this need of customized software deployment in small to large scale organizations, software development firms have come forward to meed the demand yup ply gap. However there remains several challenges which hinder the process of software development and deployment in these organizations.

Let's discuss more about the challenges of bespoke software programming. The whole process of planning and production can be really challenging. Before the real work starts the responsible team must consider the roadblocks and make a full proof strategy to tackle contingencies and reach the goal. This is attempt to briefly discuss the issues and how they can be mitigated with diligence and competency.

Requirement of Expertise

It is very important to have domain expertise when a specialized plan is being developed for any particular industry specific solution. A person who is well knowledgeable about the processes and resource management in that sphere can help in envisaging the larger picture and in turn help in noting down requirements. Based on the requirements of the users an interface is planned which is effective for use and training the other users. However, finding expertise for the domain can always be a challenge for development. Often the initial processes of architecture is stalled due to absence of specialized team members. Mitigation for this type of challenge is to secure an expert who is aware about the details of the business. Another solution to this issue could be requesting the business owner to provide required information which can be documented in order to meet the demands of the provision.

Lack of certain Goals

Even though organizations decide for a solutions which would cater to their special needs, they do not have exact specifications or certain goals. This issue can fall in to several categories such as undefined income, absence of a timeline, no clarity of return on investment and further funds deployment if further additions needed.

Mitigation for such issues are complex and often needs an external consultant who can independently evaluate the whole process and individually makes available the required solutions.

Communication Gap

Often in case of out sourced development, there is a gap in communication and at a later stage the reversal is very difficult.

Mitigation: Before the actual development starts, standard operating processes have to be laid down which not only address the communication issues but also take care of seamless reporting and documentation of progresses.

Cost Control

Either side of the development process, be it the client or the developing company should take care of costs. Uncontrolled costs can make situation difficult for either of them.

Mitigation: Transparency and cost estimation before the development process starts are important. Accuracy of information and resource planning and reporting and have some funds allocated for situations which fall outside the capacity of quakeholders can help in solving issues in a better way.

Even though the above issues are more commonly reported challenges there could be other challenges such as availability of better technologies in the market, changing scope of business, catastrophic events disrupting or even losing key team members can hinder the whole process. However, the teams should always be prepared and take necessary action to meet the deadline.



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