

  • Business

    Start Stopping Faster

    by Bloomberg Stocks

    Matthias Clamer/Getty Images Business executives could learn a lot from cheetahs, Earth’s most agile land animals. Though their ancestors ran only about 20 miles per hour, today’s cats can accelerate from zero to 60 within three seconds — faster than a Corvette Twin Turbo or a Ferrari Enzo. But speed alone is not what makes cheetahs…

  • Arthur Debat/Getty Images Few leaders would dispute the fact that business today is driven by data and smart algorithms. Yet, rather than real digital transformation, many instead pursue digital incrementalism, using automation to cut costs or, worse — cut jobs. Doing so might buy you some time from impatient shareholders, but it will be short-lived…

  • Business

    You Don’t Have to Pivot in a Crisis

    by Bloomberg Stocks

    Johner Images/Getty Images In these difficult times, we’ve made a number of our coronavirus articles free for all readers. To get all of HBR’s content delivered to your inbox, sign up for the Daily Alert newsletter. When Covid-19 burst upon the scene in early 2020, startup ventures faced dramatic shifts in markets and the importance…

  • HBR Staff/Craig Whitehead/Unsplash This new decade has forced us to confront some harrowing truths — namely, that Black people and people of color don’t have the same access to fundamental resources. Business leaders in particular have an opportunity right now to help address some of the cracks in America’s social system, while also building more…

  • Netflix released the documentary The Social Dilemma this month.The movie details just how insidious the effects of social media have become.While we’ve been on phones, screaming at people like Ellen DeGeneres, we should be more focused on people like Mark Zuckerberg.The Social Dilemma might be this year’s most important documentary. It’s more revelatory than The…

  • The five largest stocks in the S&P 500 could be replaced as market leaders.Goldman used the Rule of 10 criteria to identify 21 stocks that could beat the market.Salesforce, Paypal, and Netflix are among those top stocks.Five mega-cap stocks have led the U.S. stock market rally–Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Alphabet (FAAMG stocks). They currently…

  • Milwaukee Bucks star Giannis Antetokounmpo was announced the 2019-20 NBA Most Valuable Player on Friday.LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers was a distant second in the MVP voting, garnering just 16 first-place votes.James later confessed to being “pissed off” when he saw that so few voters had made him their top choice.Giannis Antetokounmpo of…

  • Cloud gaming could be one of the biggest winners of the 5G revolution.Game makers, chipmakers, and carriers all stand to benefit.T, NVDA, AMD, and EA look like the best 5G stocks to buy.While coronavirus and the upcoming presidential elections have commanded investors’ attention lately, the rollout of 5G across the country could be another significant…