

  • “THE APPRENTICE makes me $3m a day. Ker-ching. That’s the music it makes. It sure beats bricks and mortar, hey?” So a British businessman, imitating Donald Trump’s distinctive drawl, recalls a conversation the two men had by telephone years before Mr Trump became president. It was a high point of their relationship that the Brit…

  • Business

    Can Tata Sons regain its footing?

    by Lily White

    IN THE PANICKY initial days of India’s covid-19 lockdown, the country could count on one venerable institution. Tata, a 152-year-old conglomerate, bought millions of dollars’ worth of medical supplies for clinics and hospitals. Its shut businesses did not lay off a single worker. A new subsidiary was conjured up to develop a one-hour coronavirus test…

  • Goldman Sachs expects profit margins to jump in 2021.Goldman’s forecast is based on strong U.S. and global economic growth in the coming year.The stock market is facing many downside risks that we shouldn’t overlook.Goldman Sachs is optimistic about corporate profitability in 2021. The bank expects the U.S. stock market’s margin to jump sharply next year.Goldman…

  • Ellen DeGeneres appears to be done.Ratings for her show have dropped by 25% since the season premiere.All this couldn’t have happened to a “nicer” woman — she well deserves every inch of the cancelation.Ellen DeGeneres really looks to be over.After the 20th season premiere of her once-hit show, the once-infallible talk show host has seen…

  • Business

    All the Help We Can Get

    by Bloomberg Stocks

    October 05, 2020 We’re going to need all the help we can get to make it through this pandemic. But asking for help isn’t easy, especially when everyone around you is also maxed out. We assume that our request will be an imposition or we worry that it’ll make us look like we can’t handle…

  • 2020 is the year the world’s attention turned to the deep fractures of our economic, political, educational, and healthcare systems. The year when status quo solutions were no longer good enough. For all the declarations of being “in this together,” the dual pandemics of Covid-19 and systemic racism have revealed how low-income communities and people…

  • October 05, 2020 Early on in the pandemic, Pulitzer Prize-winning art critic Jerry Saltz wrote a piece about his unusual eating habits that grabbed the attention of many with anxiety, depression, or just Covid-related sadness. In the essay, Saltz recounts a lifetime of using food to cope with trauma and anxiety – until art helped…

  • Business

    Research: Type Less, Talk More

    by Bloomberg Stocks

    LAL/Getty Images Modern communication media allow us to exchange information with others using text, voice, and audiovisual cues. But because communication also involves maintaining social relationships that are critical for our happiness, health, and the smooth running of a business, reaching out to others requires deciding how best to do so. And in this regard,…

  • Kristian Bell/Getty Images Valentine’s Day 2017 was one of the most devastating days of my life. Without any warning, without any signs, without any notice, my father passed away.  More than three years later, I recall every detail of my mother’s frantic call to tell me when she couldn’t find my dad.  I remember scrambling…

  • HBR Staff/Duet Postscriptum/Stocksy/Nednapa Chumjumpa/Getty Images As of 2019, more than 14 million Americans owned a robotic vacuum cleaner. Robotic lawn mowers tend to our yards, robotic suitcases follow us through the airport, and smart cooking machines prepare ingredients and implement entire recipes. Some autonomous products even play with and clean up after our pets. These…